The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization Amazon product ASIN 0553385666
I bought a Kindle and use it because after filling up 5 bookshelf of books I ran out of room. If I am reading a book for fun I like my Kindle. if I am reading something to reference in the future I prefer an old fashioned book.The cave allegory has been referenced in many of the books that I’ve read. I kind of alternate between classic literature and history/science type books. I’m rereading The Grapes of Wrath right now (Steinbeck is my favorite author). When I’m done I might download the sample on my Kindle and see if it’s something I’d enjoy. Thanks for the suggestion. Your recommendation of Russian authors led me to read a few Dostoyevsky books and I enjoyed them.
Which brings up a point...does anyone here use a Kindle? So many people say they prefer hard print and I fell in that category as well until I got a Kindle as a present for Christmas one year. Now I will never go back. There are just so many advantages that I hadn’t considered. A few...
1. I go through periods of insomnia where I wake up in the middle of the night. I’ve found that rather than tossing and turning, my best bet is to just read until I’m sleepy again. So if I wake up at 3 am and I can’t get back to sleep, I simply grab the Kindle and read. The backlight is very subtle and doesn’t disturb my wife. I don’t have to get out of bed or turn on a light. I simply read.
2. A book takes two hands to read. It requires marking your page when you’re done. I can lay on my side with just one hand sticking out of the covers and turn the page by simply touching my thumb on the screen. If I drop my book I lose my page. With a Kindle you don’t.
3. My wife and I are both prolific readers. She likes the romance novel type stuff. We both consume so many books, that when we were buying paper, we really had an issue of finding a place for the books when we were done. We gave away boxes of them when we switched to Kindle. I did like my humble brag book shelf of classics, science, and history, but people weren’t that impressed.
4. You can download sample and decide if the book is something you’d enjoy or not. There were several books I’ve started with samples and abandoned because they didn’t grab me. I didn’t waste my money.
5. When I finish a book, I can literally buy and download a new one without getting off the couch. It is putting the book stores out of business, but it is so convenient.
6. My wife loves to read by the pool or sitting on her beach chair with her feet in the water by the ocean. Kindles are now waterproof.
Anyway...thanks for the recommendation.
Is this based on Plato Allegory of the cave?![]()
The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization