Grant Fisher!


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
You morons skipping the Olympics are missing out on a lot.

Grant Fisher from the U.S. just won a bronze in the 10,000 meters (just over six miles). He is the second American in over 50 years to medal in this event. He was up against three Kenyans, a Ugandan, three Ethiopians, and a confused Canadian. The dude turned it on during the last lap. If you all can find a way to watch the last few laps, it is worth it.

At the start of the race, it looked exactly like this, with Fisher as the white person on the couch about to get reamed.

Haha, that meme.

I'll look him up on YouTube. Hard to follow the Olympics working 8 to 5.
Working Office Space GIF