Great hire by Shiff.

how many investigations regarding the same are ongoing? one has concluded with zero findings, ironically, the same person calling for this investigation was part of that investigation. how many will there be until you mentally deranged liberal cocksuckers are satisfied? rhetorical. the answer is as many as it takes. investigations upon investigations into investigations. there'll be ongoing investigations when my kids retire.
We were talking right after the election. Golf buddies and I were. We knew the libtards would go nuts after Trump was elected. You might have surpassed our expectations.
how many investigations regarding the same are ongoing? one has concluded with zero findings, ironically, the same person calling for this investigation was part of that investigation. how many will there be until you mentally deranged liberal cocksuckers are satisfied? rhetorical. the answer is as many as it takes. investigations upon investigations into investigations. there'll be ongoing investigations when my kids retire.



not half as many investigations, nor 1/2 as much outrage over benghazi. not even close. see, that's the difference between you mentally deranged cocksucker liberals and us. there was an investigation, and while we don't necessarily believe the results of said investigation, we had no choice but to accept it. you faggits don't agree with an investigation? start another, then another, then another, and another. you really are completely fukt in the head.

try again, dtard. show us more of your faux outrage . . . as if you could.
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not half as many investigations, nor 1/2 as much outrage over benghazi. not even close. see, that's the difference between you mentally deranged cocksucker liberals and us. there was an investigation, and while we don't necessarily believe the results of said investigation, we had no choice but to accept it. you faggits don't agree with an investigation? start another, then another, then another, and another. you really are completely fukt in the head.

try again, dtard. show us more of your faux outrage . . . as if you could.

they truly are living in their own made up world, in which they create, bend, break and then make up new rules as they go along. Clearly, this is why anything they try to manage turns to crap
chances are, you've held a dick in your mouth at some point in your life.


Not even one of those Transformers.
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