Most of you all went to college so tell me who was the greatest general of all time.Patton,Lee, or anyone else worldwide
Most of you all went to college so tell me who was the greatest general of all time.Patton,Lee, or anyone else worldwide
General Stonewall Jackson
The General Insurance
General Tso.
All wrong. General Vo Nguyen Giap
Led the NVA at Dien Bien Phu when they crushed the french in 1954. Battled and defeated The USA in the vietnam war. He mastermined the tet offensive which turned alot of america 's folk against the war. Was riding a tank when they rolled into saigon in 1975 changing Saigon to Ho Chi Ming City. Lived to be over 100. Served as Minister of defense after the vietnam war.
Ii agree but we didnt. Fought us 10 yrs with no air force and were standing in the end ready to fight for another decade. I like you marine but dont judge my heart. My heart is right. My brain is my problem.Lexpro is helping. Seevif u can tell. Been on it 3weeks. It takes awhileWas able to do so because the US fails to do what war is meant to do, win at all costs. Vietnam would’ve lasted a week if the military were allowed to go balls out.
I would never say he lacked balls. His service early on would say otherwise. He let the Generals run the war in the Gulf war as he Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff. That was a good thing. He did become too political for my liking later. Leans a little too liberal for me and his endorsement of Obama was because he was black.I think General Powell was pretty weak, and lacked balls.
He killed more men. Good answer Herd Fever. As long as those leaders chose to listen to God, God intervened and victory was guaranteed. Im in chronicles right now.King David
And since I consider admirals to be generals