Ha can't do this


Gold Buffalo
Nov 18, 2017
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3 years too late, actually 3 and a half.

2,500 a day will be released into the country. Almost a million per year, coming here illegally, that they will know about. That's WAY above the average of illegals crossing our borders, than previous presidents...He's ALLOWING almost a million people to come here, illegally, every year. And he thinks this is good? It's a game of smoke and mirrors because he knows he's bleeding badly in the polls. Our border is the #1 issue among voters. He's a lying jackass.

He's trying to win over some votes. Only bleaters won't see through the smoke. Just think, if the immigration bill he wanted Congress to take and pass, we would have let 5,000 illegals in per day or 3.65 million in per year. You had bleaters like extralyingdumbass saying the crisis is Republicans' fault because they wouldn't pass the bill in Congress. Thank the Lord above, that didn't happen. It's bad enough that almost that many are crossing and being released into our country every year under Pedo-Joe. Why would we want even more under the Senate bill? Are people nuts?!

If you think all of that is bad? Elect Pedo-Joe again and watch Commie-la Harris take over. These are very scary days we are witnessing right now. It's not about Trump, like bleaters think...It's about getting these America-haters out of office and trying to save our country.
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He can't do it, and the courts will prove that just like they did when Trump tried the same thing under the same authorization. Do any of you actually read, understand, and remember these things in recent history or do you just go with whatever a particular media source tells you?
He can't do it, and the courts will prove that just like they did when Trump tried the same thing under the same authorization. Do any of you actually read, understand, and remember these things in recent history or do you just go with whatever a particular media source tells you?

He absolutely can do it and will do it, but allowing 2,500 in per day means it does absolutely nothing. Trump didn't just try, he accomplished it.
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Are you delusional? Courts shot down his same attempt.
For the sake of argument let's say you are correct, then why is Biden trying to do this? He knows that he can't do it but is anyway so that he can lie and say he is trying something.

Why does your side put up with this?
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Are you delusional? Courts shot down his same attempt.

Trump did a hell of a lot to secure our borders, before our pedophile of a president came in and crushed it all. How you can be okay with what's going on, in my mind, is unbelievable. Pedo-Joe is a horrible president and a threat to our security.

LINK: Trump Completed 472 Executive Actions on Immigration During His Presidency, Many That Could Have Lasting Effects on the U.S. Immigration System

WASHINGTON — Over the course of his four years in the White House, Donald Trump and his administration completed 472 executive actions on immigration, with 39 more proposed but unimplemented when his term ended, the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) finds in a new report that sums up one of the most active and consequential presidencies on immigration. Through these actions, which range from sweeping policies to smaller, more technical adjustments, the Trump presidency made deep, and likely lasting, changes to the U.S. immigration system.

The report, Four Years of Profound Change: Immigration Policy during the Trump Presidency, completes a body of MPI work that catalogued the administration’s immigration policy from its first 100 days through its first, second and third years. Though Trump may not have delivered on his most sweeping promises, such as deporting millions of unauthorized immigrants or walling off all 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, the administration significantly restricted humanitarian protection, increased enforcement and made legal immigration more difficult, analysts Jessica Bolter, Emma Israel and Sarah Pierce note.

“The Trump administration was arguably the first to take full advantage of the executive branch’s vast authority on immigration. Despite the relative fragility of executive actions when compared to legislation, the pace and comprehensiveness of the moves taken by Trump and his administration likely ensure that some will have lasting effects on the U.S. immigration system long after his time in office,” they conclude. “At the very least, the Trump administration set a precedent for conducting far-reaching immigration changes through executive activism.”

The report notes the administration’s practice of anchoring its immigration objectives with a layered strategy of regulatory, policy and programmatic changes, making it difficult for opponents to keep pace with and counter each measure. This was the case, for example, with public charge standards revisions designed to prevent many lower-income immigrants from entering the United States. The administration advanced near-simultaneous changes to public charge regulations and agency guidance across U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the State Department and other agencies.

The first presidential candidate in modern U.S. history to win an election on an immigration-centered platform, Trump brought into mainstream political discourse the previously discredited idea that legal immigration is a threat to U.S. economic and national security. Amid new barriers to applying for immigration benefits, increased vetting and the chilling effects from increased enforcement, green-card applications fell 17 percent in fiscal 2019 and 22 percent in fiscal 2020 from the number in fiscal 2016.

Perhaps Trump’s biggest focus, however, at least rhetorically, was on immigration enforcement, both at the border and in the U.S. interior. Even so, fiscal 2019 witnessed the highest number of migrant apprehensions at the southwest border since fiscal 2007. The report outlines a combination of border policies implemented in response, including introducing the controversial Migrant Protection Protocols (also known as Remain in Mexico), sharply narrowing access to asylum for border crossers and pressuring Mexico to increase its enforcement efforts. Within the United States, the administration changed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prosecutorial discretion guidance, effectively making most unauthorized immigrants a priority for arrest and deportation. Yet amid pushback from some jurisdictions and resources drawn to the border, ICE arrests and removals decreased from Barack Obama’s second term, with 549,000 arrests and 935,000 removals from fiscal 2017-2020, as compared to 640,000 arrests and 1,160,000 removals during fiscal 2013-2016.

The Trump administration also admitted the fewest refugees in a single year up to that point since the modern resettlement program began in 1980. The decreased arrivals and associated funding cuts resulted in a reduction in resettlement capacity that likely will take years to rebuild.
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Yes, Crispy. Let’s listen to what Republican politicians say about your own kind:

Pedo-Joe not wanting to let in folks who will do the jobs americans wont do........

Maybe if they start fining companies for hiring illegal foreign nationals, these companies will raise wages to attract American citizens.

Or...We force able-bodied American citizens, who are living off the government, to do these jobs to get their government checks.
Or...We force able-bodied American citizens, who are living off the government, to do these jobs to get their government checks.
Which means a typical west virginian adult will be forced to make my sandwich? No, thanks.
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I think we can all admit, that Mush brain sat on his hands until it was absolutely necessary (the teleprompter read) showing he's "doing something" about illegal immigration because of the polls suggesting he is losing ground on this topic.
Which means a typical west virginian adult will be forced to make my sandwich? No, thanks.

The population of illegal immigrants, homelessness and druggies in the shit-streets of California are more than the entire population of West Virginia.

You play a part in destroying our country.

Illegal foreign nationals before American citizens. That's Democrat policy and your belief.
I think we can all admit, that Mush brain sat on his hands until it was absolutely necessary (the teleprompter read) showing he's "doing something" about illegal immigration because of the polls suggesting he is losing ground on this topic.
We can all admit that the Republicans refused to pass any bills to assist, because they wanted to use it as an agenda against Biden.
Illegal foreign nationals before American citizens. That's Democrat policy and your belief.
I don't care where they were born. If they are willing to work and contribute to society, then I am fine with them. Unfortunately for you, most immigrants are willing to do that compared with the leeches in west virginia.

And they get to go to Disney for free:

I don't care where they were born. If they are willing to work and contribute to society, then I am fine with them. Unfortunately for you, most immigrants are willing to do that compared with the leeches in west virginia.

And they get to go to Disney for free:

Whatever, nationalist. You're out of your mind.

It matters and you SHOULD care where they come from, who they are and what their background is.

You are completely out of touch with reality and are ruining this board and our country.
You are completely out of touch with reality and are ruining this board and our country.
I have a lot of power, but I am not sure I can single-handedly ruin the country. Other than taking my usual two mile nature walk, I have been sitting on my couch all day and am watching the Mets win right now.

I woke up around 9 a.m., got out of bed right at 11 a.m., and went for my walk around 2:30 p.m. In about an hour, I will go get dinner, eat it, then walk up to the gym to walk on the treadmill on a big incline and stretch my injuries. I will walk home, take a shower, and be in bed around 9 p.m. to watch the second episode of the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix.

Tomorrow, I will do the exact same thing. Thursday, I will do the exact same thing (other than an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon). Friday, I will do the exact same thing. Saturday, I will do the exact same thing other than meeting up with Janet Jackson . . . again.

I'm not sure any of that is ruining the country.
I have a lot of power, but I am not sure I can single-handedly ruin the country.

Which is why I said you're playing a part in destroying our country. Intelligent much?

Other than taking my usual two mile nature walk, I have been sitting on my couch all day and am watching the Mets win right now.

Why do you like to suffer?

I woke up around 9 a.m., got out of bed right at 11 a.m., and went for my walk around 2:30 p.m. In about an hour, I will go get dinner, eat it, then walk up to the gym to walk on the treadmill on a big incline and stretch my injuries. I will walk home, take a shower, and be in bed around 9 p.m. to watch the second episode of the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix.


Tomorrow, I will do the exact same thing. Thursday, I will do the exact same thing (other than an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon). Friday, I will do the exact same thing. Saturday, I will do the exact same thing

Nice. Hope you have a speedy recovery

other than meeting up with Janet Jackson . . . again.

Am I supposed to be impressed?

I'm not sure any of that is ruining the country.

Again, you are playing a part in the destruction of our country. I'm talking about you supporting the America-haters who are actually doing the destroying.
We can all admit that the Republicans refused to pass any bills to assist, because they wanted to use it as an agenda against Biden
I'll admit that along with the fact Dems proposed nothing during the last administration to help at the border. WE can play this all day, but the fact is Trump tried (while being called a racist xenophobe) and Mush sat on his hands until 5 months pre election. His polls suck. Time to act like he cares.
Again, you are playing a part in the destruction of our country.
We can all admit that the Republicans refused to pass any bills to assist, because they wanted to use it as an agenda against Biden.

I don't care where they were born. If they are willing to work and contribute to society, then I am fine with them. Unfortunately for you, most immigrants are willing to do that compared with the leeches in west virginia.

And they get to go to Disney for free:

Republicans passed HR 2 Schumer won't take it up
Nice one cocksucker. No the dumb bill would be allowing 4000 crossings per day.
You'd rather have the 4000 crossings per day than let go of the orange jesus' ability to campaign on the border. You stupid Godless lying trumptard sore loser sloth.
You'd rather have the 4000 crossings per day than let go of the orange jesus' ability to campaign on the border. You stupid Godless lying trumptard sore loser sloth.
WTF are you talking about? Pass HR 2 before the election.

Now what do you not like about the bill?
He can't do it, and the courts will prove that just like they did when Trump tried the same thing under the same authorization. Do any of you actually read, understand, and remember these things in recent history or do you just go with whatever a particular media source tells you?

Of course Biden can do it under a combination of Immigration Law 212(f) and Trump vs Hawaii, but he intentionally hasn’t since the day he took Office when he REVERSED all of Trump’s successful Border Policies. The difference is Trump was serious and smart about Border Policy while Biden is just using this as a smoke screen Election Year Hail Mary to get votes.

All Biden is doing is basically making ILEGAL immigration hypothetically LEGAL. At least for up to 912,000 illegals a year, plus an UNLIMITED ADDITIONAL number of “children” under the age of 18. There are also other exceptions that will raise the daily figure to WAY over 2500 per day before the joke of a 1500 Illegals a day “limit” kicks in. In short, Biden is still allowing more than the populations of our five smallest states to immigrate ILLEGALLY.

Meanwhile, among NUMEROUS other SMART TRUMP limitations:

1.) Trump put a COMPLETE travel ban on Immigrants from bad actor countries like Yemen, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc. unless they could specifically get a Government waiver.

2.) He told the Northern Triangle Countries he would cut off ALL financial aid if they didn’t keep their criminals locked up in jails and keep their people home.

3.) He threatened Mexico with astronomical tariffs if they didn’t stop the flow of illegals through Mexico, which is why they kept so many of THEIR troops on OUR Southern Border as additional US tax free Border Security.

4.) Etc, etc, etc.
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it's a stupid bill made by stupid people. Like yourself, idiot.
That's what I thought you can't point to one thing in the bill you think is stupid because you haven't read it.

You only dislike the bill because it is a Republican bill
For the sake of argument let's say you are correct, then why is Biden trying to do this? He knows that he can't do it but is anyway so that he can lie and say he is trying something.

Why does your side put up with this?
So he can appear to be doing something in the run up to the election.
That's what I thought you can't point to one thing in the bill you think is stupid because you haven't read it.

You only dislike the bill because it is a Republican bill
it's a stupid bill made by stupid people. Like yourself, idiot.

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