This is my 2nd Halloween up here. Jeeze Louise there are kids everywhere. They take this holiday serious up here. Good thing I picked up a growler when I was in Fayetteville this past weekend.
This is my 2nd Halloween up here. Jeeze Louise there are kids everywhere. They take this holiday serious up here. Good thing I picked up a growler when I was in Fayetteville this past weekend.
I just got home. I avoid my neighborhood at all cost on Halloween, especially when the weather is good. We get 500-600 kids going up and down the street. It's like a freakin street festival. They bus in from all over the area. We get Kentucky and WV plates along with all the instate. It's ridiculous.
He said finished...It's the fattest city in the country. Do you think those people are going to pass up free candy?
Spoken like a true deplorable.
I look at people like this and just don't understand it. You have a bunch of kids - many that sound like they are from lower income areas - coming to do something that brings them joy, happiness, and good memories . . . many of whom probably don't have such good memories and/or happiness in their own homes. And instead of taking two hours out of your time one single evening to answer the door and make the night better for these kids, you hide.
You probably would have received some "I like your house" or "I wish I had a house like this" comments from kids. You then wasted an opportunity to give them some advice: "Thanks, it's not important how big a house is but what is important is how much love is inside of it/how well you take care of it" . . . "Thanks, I worked really hard in school so I could get this when I got older. If you work really hard in school, you also can have a house like this when you get older." You wasted opportunities to tell kids how cool their costumes were to make them feel good. You wasted opportunities to show and take part in something neighborly.
It's a shame that all of your neighbors didn't decide to pack it in while your daughter was the trick-or-treating age. I'm sure she would have been sad to have finished with no candy and nobody to comment on her costume.
LOL. Like you know anything.
I teach an AWANA class on Wednesdays from 6-8 at the church. It's not only the regular church kids, but open to the community at large. We get a lot of kids that come from very dark situations. We had our "trunk or treat" for the kids at the church last week.
Nice try though.
We do not get that many kids in the surrounding neighbourhoods, but they certainly do come in from other areas, maybe they just enjoy hitting up houses that are around $400k-$1M one after the other. I am usually either running during Trick-or-Treat, attending a company function, or on a rare occasion, hiding until it is over, they usually do not come quite down to where I am located. Around here, Trick-or-Treat is not on Halloween, it is on the Thursday prior, unless Halloween happens to fall on a Thursday, then they may make an exception and hold it on that day rather than a week prior.I just got home. I avoid my neighborhood at all cost on Halloween, especially when the weather is good. We get 500-600 kids going up and down the street. It's like a freakin street festival. They bus in from all over the area. We get Kentucky and WV plates along with all the instate. It's ridiculous.
This is wrong on so many levels.
First, you're ministering to children who come to the church, in other words, mostly kids already from Christian backgrounds. When you have a chance to spew your hate, intolerance, and fairy tales to other kids, you hide.
Next, it's always a great trick of missionaries to preach the word of your god (in exchange, of course, for something of value).
"Hey, hungry in Africa. You want some clean water and food? Just come to our church/school/community center to listen to us preach discretely to start, to then only go full-on after you start receiving benefits from us."
"Hey, poor people. You want us to build a school and provide books for your children? Sure . . . just let to us try to swindle you out of your own religions beliefs and do what we say because it will lead to more books."
"Hey, poor kids who want candy. You want some free candy and to hear about how little Johnny is going to burn in hell for liking boys? Come on over and play with my Twizzler."
I get it - you hate kids. That's fine. But at least try to be neighborly and give back to a community that didn't shun your daughter when she would trick-or-treat.
Like I said, you know nothing.
He loves it, and so do I.
the butterfly effect has really screwed this younger generation up.Meh, last night was not what we were used to. Neighborhood not near big enough compared to the one we left in Buffalo. We went to another one after ours where our friends live just to add more time to it. Kids had a good time but the pillow case was overkill, not nearly enough candy to fill it half full. I left the candy unguarded on the front porch and when I got home most was still there, I was shocked and disappointed. No egging houses, no toilet paper in trees, no mailboxes blew up, no pumpkins smashed in the driveway. Wtf is wrong with kids these days? As a kid Halloween was better than Christmas
you should live in Athens. We have the block party that draws 20,000 kids some years. Then we have and I am not kidding, a trick or treat event of some kind at least 5 different nights up here.
I love trick or treat. At my old house, we would get 250-300 kids easy. Since we bought a new house only a couple miles away, we still take the kids there to trick or treat. It allows us to see our old neighbors and catch up.
Our new house sits on 1 flat acre. The house is right in the middle of the lot. For anybody to get to our doorstep, it would be quite a haul from the main road. However, I was shocked at how many people walk Virginia Ave, a main road in Hurricane, to get to different neighborhoods. So, my son and I now sit out at the end of our private road, right by the main road, and give out candy to passers by, after he and my daughter are finished trick or treating. He loves it, and so do I.
Walking across half an acre is quite a haul? Jesus, no wonder kids today are a bunch of lard asses. The adults too. I'm fat, but if I ever think of approximately 300 feet as a long haul someone please put a bullet in me.
When it’s that far off your main path, yes, it’s quite a haul...especially just for one house. You would understand if you knew how/where my house is positioned off the main road.
Do you release the hounds upon trespassers?
Ha ha that's showing my ageI never realized it was children up there that were puking drunk in the streets, vandalizing the town and rioting against the police. Them Ohio kids are some little bastards, for sure!
Ha ha that's showing my age
Do you release the hounds upon trespassers?
That porch is perfect for the flaming bag of dogshit trick. I'll have to keep that in mind. And I hope that you're putting that basketball hoop in the left of the picture to good use. I'd hate to see you lose by even more in the rematch.
My lab might lick them to death.
Here is a picture of my house from the main road. I do not live in a “neighborhood,” but rather in between two cul-de-sacs, right off of a two-lane road. Kids walk from one neighborhood, bypass my house, and into another. It would be very much out of their waking path to come to my doorstep, so we come to the end of our private driveway instead.