Halloween just got real

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
The neighborhood cat i feed just caught a squirrel and the ensuing tussle was a bunch of squealing and stuff flying everywhere. Mayhem right between the two houses ans in the front yard. Then he strutted off the his catch in his mouth. Right under my damn porch.

Thr little kids from the daycare next to the neighborhood are doing the early Halloween.

Spiderman was shocked. Batman gasped. Raggedy Ann has a tear. Powe ranger asking mommy is the squirrel dead. Are they playing?

I like having him around because those damn squirrels tear my gutters up and they build nests up on top my deck.

Good Boy buddy. I can't shoot the squirrels. Got me a Tom cat. How you like that HOA?
The neighborhood cat i feed just caught a squirrel and the ensuing tussle was a bunch of squealing and stuff flying everywhere. Mayhem right between the two houses ans in the front yard. Then he strutted off the his catch in his mouth. Right under my damn porch.

Thr little kids from the daycare next to the neighborhood are doing the early Halloween.

Spiderman was shocked. Batman gasped. Raggedy Ann has a tear. Powe ranger asking mommy is the squirrel dead. Are they playing?

I like having him around because those damn squirrels tear my gutters up and they build nests up on top my deck.

Good Boy buddy. I can't shoot the squirrels. Got me a Tom cat. How you like that HOA?
Why are you feeding neighborhood cats? Your turning in to a crazy cat Karen in your old age
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They hang around and take care of the squirrels
Here it is a vicious cycle. Squirrels tear up the lattice under the deck, cats chase the squirrels, dogs like to chase down the cats.
The poor stray cat I feed had his leg mangled by a stray dog. Took the poor thing to the vet and said I would pay the bill. I was told it couldn’t be saved and the vet put it to sleep. Still cost me well over $100.
I tried to get a picture. The damn cat got in this house and was running while I was tryong to take a picture of him

They implied the person was “better looking”. So not sure id put you in that category… even as a liberal.
yeah, well they're a liberal, so their perception of "better looking" is akin to indicating a pig covered in makeup is better looking than a pig. seriously, look at liberal women in comparison to conservative women. absolutely no comparison.

yeah, well they're a liberal, so their perception of "better looking" is akin to indicating a pig covered in makeup is better looking than a pig. seriously, look at liberal women in comparison to conservative women. absolutely no comparison.

It's always a bad sign when Michael Moore holds his own in a beauty contest with other jackass libs.

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