He has risen


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m living in a Saturday Night Live skit. Events that happen can’t be real.

Just a bit ago, I was out pruning some trees when one of my neighbors walked down the road. The poor guy basically has nothing and he looked unusually sad with his head hanging down.

I threw up my hand in acknowledgment of his presence and he walked over and told me he just received word that his brother Ton had died. He said he was very close with his brother and was feeling despondent.

I gave my neighbor my condolences as he was telling me that life seldom went right for him. About that time, his daughter yelled down the road, “Dad! They just called to say there was a mix up. Uncle Ton didn’t die, it was his next door neighbor!”
  • Haha
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The guy's name is "Ton"? That's like calling a large guy "Tiny," for those people other than Michigan who are called that nickname.
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The guy's name is "Ton"? That's like calling a large guy "Tiny," for those people other than Michigan who are called that nickname.
The guy has 22 brothers and sisters. Probably ran out of three letter names that the parents could spell. Oh, by the way, they pronounce it “Tawn.”
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