help build a football field house


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 12, 2007
Read gofundme site. Thought I'd post it here as I know there's a bunch of good people that frequent this site that will assist. If you can, good on you; if you can't/won't, that's fine, too.

I've kept up with the thread throughout the course of the day, mainly to see how much could be raised. It's up around $1500, give or take, since it was posted earlier today. It also caught my attention because the kid was 13 and killed when he wrecked an ATV, and, I've been planning to buy my son, 12, a new ATV for his birthday this spring. Talk about a wakeup call to reality....

Anyhow, if you can, donate, if not, cool. Just passing this along here because, like I said above, I know there's a lot of good people on this site.

Your son would be much safer on a small dirt bike, say a 50 or 70 cc, than on an ATV...Especially being 12 years old.


here's the story the guy posted on the mainboard:

Originally posted by KH Vols:
I know we all beat each other up because of what team we love. But the one thing we all have in common is the love for our families, expecially our kids. I lost my 13 year old son, Carson, to a 4 wheeler accident July 31st. It has been the hardest 4 months of my life since then. Carson was a very good football player and lived to play football. It was only 2 weeks into this season when I went looking for him after not being able to find him to take him to practice. He would ride over to his grandparents house several times a day. So the first place I looked is the trail across the pasture that seperates our 2 houses. I find him about half way where he had flipped the 4 wheeler killing him instantly. My life changed there in that pasture that day. In 5 minutes I did the last 2 things I ever wanted to do. I lost one of my sons and broke my wives heart when I had to go tell her. I had served as a M60 gunner in Mogadishu, Somalia and witnessed some very bad things but none of that had prepared me for this moment. I cannot began to describe the pain my family and I are in. Words can't describe it. But with all this sadness I needed to do something to honor him. We live in a small TN town with a small school. Our football team has to use the basketball locker room because they don't have a field house. So I decided the best thing I could do was to start a memorial fund at his school. The school has agreed to let us built a field house and name it ' Carson Herrin memorial field house' once we raise the money. I got some bids and the cheapest one we can build will cost $17,000. Would like to raise more and build a nicer one but we will have to wait and see. I am asking that you over look my love for the Vols and help me reach this goal. There are things greater than our football teams and family is one of the very few. I have tried very hard to be a good dad to my 3 boys. I have coached every team they have been on, mostly football. I have one in college, Carson was the middle one and we have one that's 5 and I plan on doing the same for him. I know it's a bad time of year for donations but if you can help, no matter how small,it would mean the world to me. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my story. Donation and contact info below.

Memorial fund info:( send checks, money or money orders to)
Michie Middle School
Carson Herrin memorial fund
6418 Hwy 57E
Michie Tn 38357

If you need to ask me any questions email me: