Herdman - Trigger warning

you still have his name wrong. it's @extragreen

Nope, I look nothing like satan. Here he is with some of his disciples. I don't know which one you are....

Nope, I look nothing like satan. Here he is with some of his disciples. I don't know which one you are....

that's YORE president. how's that feel to know that THE DONALD TRUMP is yore president, mr. antichrist?
Like I said, you hate everyone who is not just like you. It's why you're a bigot.

Says the man who cringes every time he leaves his 99% white, hick, county. Not only does everyone there look like you, the majority fall within a 3rd-4th cousin circle. You don't have family trees in Wayne County, you have dense underbrush.
Says the man who cringes every time he leaves his 99% white, hick, county. Not only does everyone there look like you, the majority fall within a 3rd-4th cousin circle. You don't have family trees in Wayne County, you have dense underbrush.

I'd tell a banker joke but you wouldn't find it funny, and normal people wouldn't think it was a joke.