Here we go again. Another shooting in Missouri.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Twitter already saying gun was a plant and placed on the scene two hours after the incident. Complaining how they left the body just lay there with no help. Momma and girlfriend saying police shot him and would not let him run.

If he pulled a gun, then he got what was the only probable outcome. Until people stop making martyrs out of criminals and start realizing that the problem is not fully the police, but the criminals themselves, we will continue to have this foolishness.

We have molded everything into a generation of me's and I's who all feel they are entitled and even above the law. We have failed as a society.
The video shows the boy pulling out a gun and aiming it directly at the officer. Just plain stupid.

I dare Sharpton or anybody to defend this guy.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Bc you can't tell what's going on from the video released by police.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The heck you can't. He pulls it out and aims it right at the cop. Stop being a stupid liberal.
First of all I'm not a liberal second of all you can't tell from the video released what's going on because it is happening so far away The investigators have access to other cameras, which is what should have been released to show definitively what happened.
You can see him extend his arm, can't tell if there was anything in his hand. I hope they had a camera on the other end of the building.
Originally posted by banker6796:
You can see him extend his arm, can't tell if there was anything in his hand. I hope they had a camera on the other end of the building.
At least three camera angles have been released, unfortunately the camera on the other end of the building does not have the incident completely in view.
All those same cameras should make it easy to tell if a gun was planted.
Originally posted by dave:
All those same cameras should make it easy to tell if a gun was planted.
Oh come on, you know those videos are the result of a green screen inside of the police station.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Fact: you extend your arm like you have a gun at a cop, you are probably getting shot.

I don't care if he had a gun or not at that point. It becomes a situation where a split second can be the difference in a cop being shot or not. Fire away.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
That is the point and I agree with you. If the cop felt his life was threatened, he has a right and split second to defend his life. Just like you or I would. That is the standard, what would a reasonable person do under the circumstance at hand.
This post was edited on 12/25 10:28 AM by i am herdman