Here we go again.


Silver Buffalo
Jun 13, 2011
Police say the officer repeatedly told Brisbon to keep his hand in his pocket, then shot him twice when he didn't.

Brisbon, an ex-convict, was hit in the torso and later pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators recovered a semi-automatic handgun and a jar of marijuana from his SUV

If you don't give police a reason to shot you then you won't get shot. If a police officer told me to keep my hands in my pocket or whatever he wanted me to do with his gun drawn on me I'm going to do it!!! Why is this so hard to understand?
Here is a letter from his girls if the cop is justified or not it doesn't matter now. Cops are going to get shot now either from retaliation or because they will have to get shot before they will be allowed to pull the trigger. Let's not forget this stuff happened in multiple states across the country race has nothing to do with it! If this was happening in a single town then you may have the argument.
Originally posted by jackmob5225:

Police say the officer repeatedly told Brisbon to keep his hand in his pocket, then shot him twice when he didn't.

Brisbon, an ex-convict, was hit in the torso and later pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators recovered a semi-automatic handgun and a jar of marijuana from his SUV

If you don't give police a reason to shot you then you won't get shot. If a police officer told me to keep my hands in my pocket or whatever he wanted me to do with his gun drawn on me I'm going to do it!!! Why is this so hard to understand?
Have no ideas as to the details of this case, but this "if you don't do exactly what the cop says you deserve to die" mentality that so many of you on here aspouse is flat out ignorant and frankly shows you to be followers, not leaders.

Just sayin...
If a cop has his weapon drawn you should do exactly as he directs. Who in their right mind would do something different when a gun is being pointed at them? You don't deserve to die for not doing what your being told to do however what do you think the end result should be if a cop had his weapon drawn and you did other than directed?
Originally posted by jackmob5225:

If a cop has his weapon drawn you should do exactly as he directs. Who in their right mind would do something different when a gun is being pointed at them? You don't deserve to die for not doing what your being told to do however what do you think the end result should be if a cop had his weapon drawn and you did other than directed?
If my life is on the line, I have to admit, I will do exactly what you are saying. That said, making this the fault of the victim gives the police even more power and latitude to do what they want. I don't see why people don't get that. Too often, cops go over the line and the current system backs them up. No wonder they continue to push the line farther and farther and farther to the point where they are now driving down the street in tanks.
Why would a cop tell someone to KEEP their hands in their pocket? That makes no sense to me.
I agree with you that too much power or latitude could lead to destruction and could create a police state. However the people over the past few weeks are criminals. Does that mean they deserve to die no but the police aren't targeting people based on race they are trying to stop criminals from committing crime. Let's reverse roles how many police officers get shot and killed until we realize that there may be a few Barney Fife's out there or those that think the badge gives them more power, but as a whole police aren't the problem.
what's amazing to me is everybody's acting like this shit just started with ferguson. it didn't. it's just that some damn liars in ferguson said brown had his hands raised which started all of this massive media outcry (only to find out they lied and he didn't have his hands raised).

nobody deserves to die for not taking direction in a situation where they have gun drawn on them by a cop, but they damn well need to know death is a distinct possibility if the bullet they're about to take hits a vital organ because they decided not to do as directed.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Why would a cop tell someone to KEEP their hands in their pocket? That makes no sense to me.
because he thought he had a gun in his pocket, thus you want him to keep it in there, instead of pull it, and the supposed gun, out.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
You can shoot through clothing. I've always seen cops say take hands out of clothing and keep them up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
the gun was likely pointing towards the ground in his pocket, not a threat to the officer, but if he's holding a gun in his hand and he takes it out with his hand on the trigger, he can get a shot off quickly.
You can't win an argument with a cop on the street and you're not going to change his mind about arresting you. Just chill out, accept your temporary fate and call a lawyer. I know there's not much respect for authority now days, but if you're compliant for ten freaking minutes you won't end up with a bullet in your face.
The cops let that guy go on for a long time before shooting him. My initial reaction is that this is unfortunate but unless there's more information out there I don't blame the cops.
Originally posted by WiiWii:

Originally posted by jackmob5225:

Police say the officer repeatedly told Brisbon to keep his hand in his pocket, then shot him twice when he didn't.

Brisbon, an ex-convict, was hit in the torso and later pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators recovered a semi-automatic handgun and a jar of marijuana from his SUV

If you don't give police a reason to shot you then you won't get shot. If a police officer told me to keep my hands in my pocket or whatever he wanted me to do with his gun drawn on me I'm going to do it!!! Why is this so hard to understand?
Have no ideas as to the details of this case, but this "if you don't do exactly what the cop says you deserve to die" mentality that so many of you on here aspouse is flat out ignorant and frankly shows you to be followers, not leaders.

Just sayin...
Yeah, some real leaders we're talking about here. This is an America now where we're pitying criminals. These people weren't fit to lead a Long John Silver's crew.
Originally posted by WV-FAN:

nobody deserves to die for not taking direction in a situation where they have gun drawn on them by a cop, but they damn well need to know death is a distinct possibility if the bullet they're about to take hits a vital organ because they decided not to do as directed.
These thugs are not exactly rocket scientists. I think some think they are bulletproof.

It is so simple. STFU, do what you are told, and get a lawyer.

It is funny all these protesters and talking heads think this is some American, racial thing. Cops in other countries will beat and or shoot your ass, too.