This map shows which parts of the border have a fence and the number of illegal crossers caught in each over the last two years.
As you can see, far and away, the "busiest" section is the Rio Grande section. Most of the Rio Grande section either has a fence or a substantial river as a barricade which allows border agents to see attempts. The second busiest section is Tucson. Again, almost the entire border has fencing.
Now, look at the two regions with the lowest number of crossers (apprehensions). Those two regions, Big Bend and Del Rio, account for a huge amount of border area and have almost no fencing.
Tell us again how Chief Full-O'-Shit insists that those areas with fences see a lower amount of crossers.
As you can see, far and away, the "busiest" section is the Rio Grande section. Most of the Rio Grande section either has a fence or a substantial river as a barricade which allows border agents to see attempts. The second busiest section is Tucson. Again, almost the entire border has fencing.
Now, look at the two regions with the lowest number of crossers (apprehensions). Those two regions, Big Bend and Del Rio, account for a huge amount of border area and have almost no fencing.
Tell us again how Chief Full-O'-Shit insists that those areas with fences see a lower amount of crossers.