Here You Go, Herdman

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
This map shows which parts of the border have a fence and the number of illegal crossers caught in each over the last two years.

As you can see, far and away, the "busiest" section is the Rio Grande section. Most of the Rio Grande section either has a fence or a substantial river as a barricade which allows border agents to see attempts. The second busiest section is Tucson. Again, almost the entire border has fencing.

Now, look at the two regions with the lowest number of crossers (apprehensions). Those two regions, Big Bend and Del Rio, account for a huge amount of border area and have almost no fencing.

Tell us again how Chief Full-O'-Shit insists that those areas with fences see a lower amount of crossers.
Hello, please look at where the population centers are. More crossings(and the fences end by the way or have gaps in them). Also, look at the immigrants migration patterns. they are going to follow the borders of Mexico and go up the coasts. That leads them to the areas that you say have higher rates. Of course there are going to be more apprehensions there. Not hard to figure out. Again, the agents in the field disagree with you. They have migration paths.
But you said Chief-Full-O'-Shit said the places with fences had less crossers. Now, you're saying that the places that have fences actually have more crossers due to having bigger populations?

So is Chief correct or are you correct? It can't be both.
But you said Chief-Full-O'-Shit said the places with fences had less crossers. Now, you're saying that the places that have fences actually have more crossers due to having bigger populations?

So is Chief correct or are you correct? It can't be both.

I am saying they will naturally have more activity because of migration patterns and population centers. The fence/wall/barrier works. The border patrol agents say so, not just Trump.

Nothing is 100% and we need multiple tools to do the job. Walls work and have pretty much throughout history.
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Yet you want a wall in that exact place.
who said I did? initial phase of the wall is north of big bend. Big Bend is the area below without a wall. Trump also revised it down to 722 miles. Fix some gaps and fix some the existing wall that has issues. big bend is not proposed.
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Don't tell Yagi that. He is a Grammy Award winning .


There is a Mexican town of about 500 people hundreds of yards from the U.S. border where some of the pictures I took were posted. There is absolutely nothing stopping them from crossing the border. There is absolutely no rugged terrain. They walk down a dirt road for a few hundreds yards and walk across a river that isn't even a foot deep. Ta-da! They are on American soil. No fence, no border agents.

A lot of Big Bend is rugged terrain. If anyone wants to take a car (not a truck or off-road vehicle, but a car) from anywhere in Mexico to any of numerous places along that hundreds of miles of border they can. All they need is somebody on the other side to pick them up in a car, and the concern about terrain becomes irrelevant.

Why is that area not a concern for you, Herdman? They don't have a fence, and as you claim Chief-Full-O'-Shit says, places without fences get more crossers.

who said I did? initial phase of the wall is north of big bend. Big Bend is the area below without a wall. Trump also revised it down to 722 miles. Fix some gaps and fix some the existing wall that has issues. big bend is not proposed.

That's bullshit. His plan calls for part of the fence in more than one area of Big Bend. There is more of it east and west of the Park, and it would destroy the ecosystem and survival for many species who rely on going back and forth from the Mexican to American side for food and using the Rio Grande for their only water source.

Oh, and amazingly this article says basically the exact same things I have said on here:

"There is also the matter of efficacy. The wall would probably delay a hypothetical crossing by a few minutes, depending on its design and the manner of the breach. There are videos of Mexicans deploying ladders, ramps, ropes, welding torches, and tunnels to get over, through, or under border fences. (There are about seven hundred miles of fence already, most of it in California and Arizona.) For a great deal of its length, the river is insulated on both sides by hundreds of miles of desert—inhospitable terrain that does more to discourage smugglers and migrants than a wall ever could. (The vast majority of hard drugs intercepted on the southern border is coming through so-called points of entry—the more than forty official crossings—hidden in vehicles and cargo.) And, while the banks of the river, for much of it, are free of impediments, except for thick stands of invasive cane and salt cedar, which can make life miserable for the Border Patrol, about a hundred miles of it cut through deep canyons far more imposing and prohibitive to a traveller on foot than a slab of concrete or steel. The canyons don’t require funding from Congress"

As I have repeatedly said, there are far better options to spend $5 billion on border control than a fence that is easy to scale, delays people by ten seconds, and easily allows the passing of large amounts of drugs.
I provided a map, provide by Al Jazerra of all places. They took it from the US Border Protection. I am providing factual data and you are providing opinion. This is all political on the Democrats part. They are now against it because of Trump.

Nobody ever said anything is perfect. Walls work. Again, nothing is perfect. Parts of the Big Bend will not be covered because of the rugged terrain.
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I provided a map, provide by Al Jazerra of all places. They took it from the US Border Protection. I am providing factual data and you are providing opinion. This is all political on the Democrats part. They are now against it because of Trump.

Nobody ever said anything is perfect. Walls work. Again, nothing is perfect. Parts of the Big Bend will not be covered because of the rugged terrain.

What facts did you present? You said Big Bend won't have any of the wall. I called that out as being bullshit. It's false. How can you say you are bringing facts and I am bringing opinion? Now, in your last message, you changed your tune and said "Parts of Big Bend will not be covered . . . " Well, that's different from your last "factual" message claiming that Big Bend will not have any fence.

Let's dumb this down for you:

1) you lied
2) Can you admit that these fences are easily breached within seconds multiple ways as the "professional mountain climbers," young female child, etc. all showed?
3) If a fence can easily be breached that fast, what purpose is spending so much on it for simply delaying things for less than a minute?
4) Do you agree that we don't have enough border patrol to closely monitor that entire proposed fence? In that case, knowing that it can so easily be breached, why spend any money on it when there are better options?
What facts did you present? You said Big Bend won't have any of the wall. I called that out as being bullshit. It's false. How can you say you are bringing facts and I am bringing opinion? Now, in your last message, you changed your tune and said "Parts of Big Bend will not be covered . . . " Well, that's different from your last "factual" message claiming that Big Bend will not have any fence.

Let's dumb this down for you:

1) you lied
2) Can you admit that these fences are easily breached within seconds multiple ways as the "professional mountain climbers," young female child, etc. all showed?
3) If a fence can easily be breached that fast, what purpose is spending so much on it for simply delaying things for less than a minute?
4) Do you agree that we don't have enough border patrol to closely monitor that entire proposed fence? In that case, knowing that it can so easily be breached, why spend any money on it when there are better options?
What did I lie about? Good gravy, Mr Semantics. We can argue over areas in Texas which is very large. There is place where the fence is not necessary at or near Big Bend Area of Texas.

Fences and walls are not easily breached. Can they be breached? Yes, nothing is perfect and people can figure things out. Doesn't mean we should do nothing.

A combination of things are needed. I have said that before. Hiring 10,000 border patrol agents is not necessary and is not needed nor would it be effective. We have been over that before. I have said we need a combination of the wall, technology, and manpower where necessary.
Hiring 10,000 border patrol agents is not necessary and is not needed nor would it be effective.

The wall is not necessary and is not needed nor would it be effective. At least the 10,000 border patrol agents would have a job and would cost less.
Big Bend is very rugged terrain, which is its own wall....and why we don't need on there.
you ain't shitting. walls up both sides. i was a blue rock one year when a bunch of people were doing a triathlon. they started on the upper tract side of the mountain, had to climb the mountain then come down the other side into big bend, cross the river, get in a kayak, paddle to eagle's nest, get on a bike and peddle to canaan.

when some of them were coming down the river in their kayaks, one of our guys was at the falls fishing and told them to be careful at blue rock. said there were two old queers laying in the sun (two of our guys paddled across the river and were lounging in the sun) and they'd try to get them to stop so they could ass rape them, and there were a bunch of drunks on the right in camp that hated granolas, and that they would throw rocks at them if they spoke. we were wondering why they were paddle straight through, looking straight ahead and not speak.
it would destroy the ecosystem and survival for many species who rely on going back and forth from the Mexican to American side for food and using the Rio Grande for their only water source.
guess you're one of those tree hugging hippy faggits who believe windmills are a bad idea because the possibility of birds and flying squirrels flying into them and dying. el oh el.
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guess you're one of those tree hugging hippy faggits who believe windmills are a bad idea because the possibility of birds and flying squirrels flying into them and dying. el oh el.
I bet youre one of those hilljacks that thinks wind turbines are a bad idea because trump the coal miners president.
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What did I lie about?

You said Big Bend wouldn't have any fence. Then, after I showed otherwise, you said parts of Big Bend won't be covered. Your first claim was a lie.

Fences and walls are not easily breached. Can they be breached? Yes, nothing is perfect and people can figure things out. Doesn't mean we should do nothing.

A combination of things are needed. I have said that before. Hiring 10,000 border patrol agents is not necessary and is not needed nor would it be effective. We have been over that before. I have said we need a combination of the wall, technology, and manpower where necessary.

How can you claim that fences and walls are not easily breached when I have posted videos of multiple people scaling the fence in as a little as five seconds, a young girl simply crawling under a wall, and another wall that had chunks cut out of it? That is easy to breach as can be imagined.

It isn't just that walls aren't perfect. It is that they are virtually useless based on the plan we have. A fence is useless without a ton of man power that can monitor it extensively and respond within seconds. As has been shown, these walls/fences are simply too easily breached in too fast of a time. We don't have that nor will we be able to with a $5 billion wall that spans 1000 miles.

On top of that, one of cheeto's biggest arguments is that not having a fence allows for easy crossing of drugs. Even though statistics and the incarcerated cartel members claim that drugs aren't brought over the fenceless area anywhere close to the amount brought over regular ports of entry, your moron-in-chief still argues this point. How is a fence with huge open slats which drugs can easily be passed through a deterrent to this?

To argue otherwise is simply you refusing to get off of cheeto's nuts.
So what are you guys against? The cost of the wall? You think illegals should just come on in here? You were for before but now are against it? You support illegal activity and think we should have open borders?

Mr Semantics, what is it?
guess you're one of those tree hugging hippy faggits who believe windmills are a bad idea because the possibility of birds and flying squirrels flying into them and dying. el oh el.

Only if Trump suggests using them.
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So what are you guys against? The cost of the wall? You think illegals should just come on in here? You were for before but now are against it? You support illegal activity and think we should have open borders?

Are we going to build a wall between the USA and Canada? How about those oceans, that's a lot of open beachfront. Open borders, amirite?

Seriously, I just don't give a fvck. There's bigger fish to fry.

And I swear to God I wish you would stop eating out, or eating altogether. Lots of illegal hands involved in food. Grow a garden and get some cows and pigs and do it on your own, pussy. Make sure only AMERICAN hands touch your food.
Are we going to build a wall between the USA and Canada? How about those oceans, that's a lot of open beachfront. Open borders, amirite?

Seriously, I just don't give a fvck. There's bigger fish to fry.

And I swear to God I wish you would stop eating out, or eating altogether. Lots of illegal hands involved in food. Grow a garden and get some cows and pigs and do it on your own, pussy. Make sure only AMERICAN hands touch your food.
We do no have a serious and legitimate problem on those borders. Crazy argument. How many come in off the Pacific Ocean. Canadian border crossings is probably one small sector on the Mexican border.

20 million or 12 million or 16 million or 30 million here illegally is a big problem. Cost us $$$$ and it is illegal. Drives down wages and again is illegal.

So, it is a problem that probably needed fixed decades ago. When Canadian border and the Atlantic Ocean become a problem and the Pacific we will deal with it. Time for the left to stop these stupid arguments.
We do no have a serious and legitimate problem on those borders. Crazy argument. How many come in off the Pacific Ocean. Canadian border crossings is probably one small sector on the Mexican border.

20 million or 12 million or 16 million or 30 million here illegally is a big problem. Cost us $$$$ and it is illegal. Drives down wages and again is illegal.

So, it is a problem that probably needed fixed decades ago. When Canadian border and the Atlantic Ocean become a problem and the Pacific we will deal with it. Time for the left to stop these stupid arguments.

Stop your stupid arguments. Counting all the people already here tells me nothing about who is coming over the Southern border today, especially knowing at least 40% of that number are visa overstays and that visa overstays are becoming an increasingly higher proportion of that number. And more likely to be ragheads open to radicalization. Bigger fish to fry...cheaper and prettier than a wall, too!
Stop your stupid arguments. Counting all the people already here tells me nothing about who is coming over the Southern border today, especially knowing at least 40% of that number are visa overstays and that visa overstays are becoming an increasingly higher proportion of that number. And more likely to be ragheads open to radicalization. Bigger fish to fry...cheaper and prettier than a wall, too!

You stop your stupid arguments first. We do know there are more coming over the border. Why do you chose to ignore the border patrol? The actual border patrol. You hear the governor of Texas talk about it and the drugs and the crimes. The local sheriffs talk about. Hell, they talk about it the carolinas. Not even near the border. The damn issues are real.

The damn border patrol the other night said in one sector, one, I repeat, one, the had arrested 133 Chinse, Pakinstani, and Indian immigrants out of the 400 plus total in that one sector.

The damn border patrol is saying this and a fence or wall helps them. Not me, not trump, the border ****ing patrol.
Ok cool let's not do anything.

No, it's a crisis. Anything is better than nothing. But we need a wall to stop drugs from coming into sea ports, and a wall around the airports. It won't stop all of them, but we can't just do nothing.
You stop your stupid arguments first. We do know there are more coming over the border. Why do you chose to ignore the border patrol? The actual border patrol. You hear the governor of Texas talk about it and the drugs and the crimes. The local sheriffs talk about. Hell, they talk about it the carolinas. Not even near the border. The damn issues are real.

The damn border patrol the other night said in one sector, one, I repeat, one, the had arrested 133 Chinse, Pakinstani, and Indian immigrants out of the 400 plus total in that one sector.

The damn border patrol is saying this and a fence or wall helps them. Not me, not trump, the border ****ing patrol.

Yet DHS says illegal crossings are way down. Last I checked, that's the parent agency of the Border Patrol. So how are there more? You can have own opinion, but not your own facts.

Build all the wall you want where it is needed. It's not needed on the entire border, and the facts back that up.

Chinese? Probably coming here to cook General Tso's.
Yet DHS says illegal crossings are way down. Last I checked, that's the parent agency of the Border Patrol. So how are there more? You can have own opinion, but not your own facts.

Build all the wall you want where it is needed. It's not needed on the entire border, and the facts back that up.

Chinese? Probably coming here to cook General Tso's.
I don't disagree with you. They are down now because Trump is a hard ass on the situation. I don't think the wall across the entire border is necessary. Congress can give him 5 billion for it though.
Are we going to build a wall between the USA and Canada? How about those oceans, that's a lot of open beachfront. Open borders, amirite?

Seriously, I just don't give a fvck. There's bigger fish to fry.

And I swear to God I wish you would stop eating out, or eating altogether. Lots of illegal hands involved in food. Grow a garden and get some cows and pigs and do it on your own, pussy. Make sure only AMERICAN hands touch your food.
God that’s a stupid position to take. Canada? Oceans? You sound like Cuntry’s dumbass