Hey nailed it on NASA/The Martian timing

From the article...

The book’s scientific accuracy is part of why it’s played so well. “NASA really likes the book” says Weir. “They see it as an opportunity to reengage the public with space travel.” And NASA sorely needs it. For a Mars mission, the agency would need an estimated $80 to $100 billion over the next 20 years, which Congress so far has refused to authorize. NASA is currently building the Orion spacecraft and launch system that will take astronauts to an asteroid and then to Mars. But that last leap is still mostly a bunch of proposals and pretty infographics.

Earlier this month, NASA sent several officials to Comic-Con to promote the movie with Weir—and, of course, that daydream of a Mars mission. At the panel, planetary science director Jim Green called The Martian “required reading” at the agency.
Even us less intelligent types get lucky every now and then. It just seemed like to much of a coincidence for one not to have influenced the other.