Hey, Dumbass Moderators


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
What is this bullshit?

Stay off of our board! Start your bullshit like what you did on the smack board, and you will see what happens. The picture I posted is in the public domain. It wasn't something that I had to be friends with the person on Facebook to access. It wasn't something delivered to me by a black SUV. Anybody who has access to the internet, with or without a Facebook account, can access that picture. There is nothing wrong with it.

Hey, @herdfan06 . . . you cry to the moderators as much as @30CAT cries to them. Just because you look like a bitch doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch.
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What is this bullshit?

Stay off of our board! Start your bullshit like what you did on the smack board, and you will see what happens. The picture I posted is in the public domain. It wasn't something that I had to be friends with the person on Facebook to access. It wasn't something delivered to me by a black SUV. Anybody who has access to the internet, with or without a Facebook account, can access that picture. There is nothing wrong with it.

Hey, @herdfan06 . . . you cry to the moderators as much as @30CAT cries to them. Just because you look like a bitch doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch.
Looks like you got bitch slapped and took another L.
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you cry to the moderators as much as @30CAT cries to them.

Any moderators out there believe I've been crying to you? Please let me know, because if you do, I'm being impersonated or Pedo-puss is outright lying....Again.
@riflearm2 , why complain? You didn't get warned, your hand smacked, suspended, or anything like that. The person simply doesn't want their image on this board, whether or not it is available other places in the public domain is irrelevant.

Abiding by such wishes for anonymity is a long-standing standard on this website, going all the way back to the old site. Others don't care and post photos of themselves, like you do. It's up to the individual. Either is cool. Frankly, in today's professional environment I would feel the same as he does; you are your own boss and have more freedom there.

And you should know who removed it, it was me; I clicked the box to send you a personal message and explain he didn't want his photo here (and if you did not receive that, please let me know). It's a no harm, no foul sort of thing, I don't think you were being malicious. Just be cool with others as they would be cool with you and respect his wishes now that you know.
@riflearm2 , why complain? You didn't get warned, your hand smacked, suspended, or anything like that. The person simply doesn't want their image on this board, whether or not it is available other places in the public domain is irrelevant.

Abiding by such wishes for anonymity is a long-standing standard on this website, going all the way back to the old site. Others don't care and post photos of themselves, like you do. It's up to the individual. Either is cool. Frankly, in today's professional environment I would feel the same as he does; you are your own boss and have more freedom there.

And you should know who removed it, it was me; I clicked the box to send you a personal message and explain he didn't want his photo here (and if you did not receive that, please let me know). It's a no harm, no foul sort of thing, I don't think you were being malicious. Just be cool with others as they would be cool with you and respect his wishes now that you know.
Good man. Respect.
@riflearm2 , why complain?
Because this board is anti-moderation. We have seen what happens when there is over moderation, and we have no tolerance for it. Give an inch and you power-trippers try taking a mile. Why do you think France doesn't allow Nazi signs anywhere and has a law agains that? Why do you think Australia makes gun ownership very difficult? It's because in all three of those examples, the group that was victimized has no tolerance for another incident.

Abiding by such wishes for anonymity is a long-standing standard on this website, going all the way back to the old site.
Oh, I don't know about that. The previous board owner - Benedict Arnold - used to provide me with names and other information about posters. Other moderators have done the same for me over the years. A current moderator provided my name to former Marshall administrators and staff members. This site has a long history of claiming one thing but doing another. I'm not sure that fits the definition of anonymity unless you're using Crispy Lips' FDA definition of it.

Frankly, in today's professional environment I would feel the same as he does; you are your own boss and have more freedom there.

So he has no problem with that image being accessible by his coworkers who simply know his name and aren't even friends with him on Facebook, but he has a problem with that image being accessible to people who don't know his name? Not sure that makes any sense.

And you should know who removed it, it was me; I clicked the box to send you a personal message and explain he didn't want his photo here (and if you did not receive that, please let me know).

I received no message. You have to hit the "send" button.

Good man. Respect.
That white stuff in the corner of your mouth? It's not mayonnaise, so I suggest not eating it.
@riflearm2 , why complain? You didn't get warned, your hand smacked, suspended, or anything like that.
But yet, you suspended me for using the coon word, and also suspended my friend greed because you disagreed with his posts when referring to you as a pill head.

You're simply being a weak douchebag.

06 posts on Herd related Facebook pages, so I've known who he was for years. To be honest, if I were him, I wouldn't do underwear runs if my crank was three inches long (when excited). I also wouldn't do underwear runs with my balls likely popping out and bouncing against my knees.

I agree with rifle's other replies.
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06 posts on Herd related Facebook pages,
. . . with his real name and makes inappropriate sexual comments on those Marshall pages when the topic isn't about anything sexual. But god forbid people who don't know his name see him running around in public in his underwear. Clearly, anybody who runs in public in their underwear in the middle of the day with a crowd in the area is very concerned about how they are perceived.
The previous board owner - Benedict Arnold - used to provide me with names and other information about posters. Other moderators have done the same for me over the years. A current moderator provided my name to former Marshall administrators and staff members
None of this has anything to do with me, and you know that.
Not sure that makes any sense.
Sure it does.

There is a chance a Google image search will point to his photo, this photo, being available in both the public domain and here. On the off-chance a worker is pissed at him and digging dirt, they could see him here partaking in all sorts of shit we post that an HR asshole would just love. Corporate HR policies on social media are broad for a reason: so they can fvck you right in the ass with anything.

Because this board is anti-moderation.
And it still is! That's precisely why I outlined the above scenario: I largely give not one fvck what you all do and say here on PS. You people are goddamn incorrigible anyways.

I received no message. You have to hit the "send" button.
It's an option in the moderator tools for editing. You edit, scroll directly below the "box" with the post you want to edit to "send the poster a message", check a box, type the message, then continue down to save the edit. There is no send button that I see. If I didn't believe that shit worked I would have privately messaged you here or on FB.

Again, I don't think you were being malicious. I didn't send a warning or contact other mods or dumb shit like that. I'm just asking you to respect his wishes.
But yet, you suspended me for using the coon word
Well yeah, don't use slurs especially after you were warned not to. It's not the first or last time you got a break for similar stuff.
my friend greed
That's laughable.
because you disagreed with his posts when referring to you as a pill head.
And like I said, I'm not going to put up with anyone here using medical conditions or disabilities as a way to attack someone. If you were in a wheelchair and he called you a goddamn cripple I'd do the same. It ain't cool, see above, be cool unto others. That's not smack, that's flat out fvxked.
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None of this has anything to do with me, and you know that.
You mentioned the history of the site with respect to anonymity. I explained that what you claimed is the complete opposite of how the board has worked. You having anything to do with it or not has no relevance. What matters is that your claim about the history of the site is bogus.

There is a chance a Google image search will point to his photo, this photo, being available in both the public domain and here. On the off-chance a worker is pissed at him and digging dirt, they could see him here partaking in all sorts of shit we post that an HR asshole would just love. Corporate HR policies on social media are broad for a reason: so they can fvck you right in the ass with anything.
So you're saying that the employee would use the exact same photo - the one of him running in just his underwear in public - and be able to lead to this site? Considering the number of gay porn sites he has posted that image one, HN would be about 2000 sites down the list.

It's an option in the moderator tools for editing. You edit, scroll directly below the "box" with the post you want to edit to "send the poster a message", check a box, type the message, then continue down to save the edit. There is no send button that I see. If I didn't believe that shit worked I would have privately messaged you here or on FB.
Sounds like the senior moderators took away that option for you. I'd take that as a message.

I know how it works. I have access to it which is how I know what people posted even after they immediately edited and/or deleted the post. Do you not have access to that feature? If not, I'd take it as another message.

(and I'm just fvcking around. I don't really care. Now if it were Coach Stowers, it would be a different story).
I have no clue what thread or post this is referring to but just like I didn’t like when people were posting about EG’s church I don’t like it if people are posting pics of other people here (*outside of the MU President, those pics are fair game and great thread material).
So, rifle, you're OK with moderators giving you names and information about posters, but you're not ok with moderators giving your name and information to Marshall administrators and staff. Got it. That's somewhat hypocritical, isn't it?
What matters is that your claim about the history of the site is bogus.
Like I said, I don't operate that way and the old mods I respected didn't either.
Do you not have access to that feature?
Sure do. I've even used to to mock some of you bastards after your edits....some of you say some dumb shit before you think 🤣
(and I'm just fvcking around. I don't really care.
Well good I guess lol. Just know I wasn't out to fvck with your post.

Now if it were Coach Stowers, it would be a different story
I'm not sure anyone actually likes him 🤔
I didn’t like when people were posting about EG’s church
I don't think they should name his church either. Except for the one with Tom Cruise in it.

Hell, I kinda want to visit his church next time I am in town. An odd effect of people naming it has made me realize his particular sub-denonination is one that has a lot in common with my ancestor's flock that the Lincoln family belonged to. I'd like to check it out. And I'm sure he would invite me with welcome arms.
Well that's his business there and not my business or HN's business.
Even a tier three attorney would shred this apart.

He allegedly doesn't care about a coworker finding his public domain picture of running in public in nothing but underwear. He doesn't care that his coworker sees his sexual comments on Marshall Facebook pages. But he allegedly is concerned that the coworker would be able to reverse Google image search his underwear picture and then be able to identify his username on here to read his comments, which he incorrectly thinks are any worse than what he posts on Marshall Facebook pages.

Got it.

(*outside of the MU President, those pics are fair game and great thread material).
He's back to calling her "girlfriend" again, and he feels the need to then point out that he means his wife:

So, rifle, you're OK with moderators giving you names and information about posters, but you're not ok with moderators giving your name and information to Marshall administrators and staff. Got it. That's somewhat hypocritical, isn't it?
Oh, hi, shadow. There hasn't been a cloud in the sky all day here, yet somehow this is the first I have seen of you.

Where did I ever say that I was "OK" with moderators giving me that information to me? I called them out in the past for doing it.
Even a tier three attorney would shred this apart.

He allegedly doesn't care about a coworker finding his public domain picture of running in public in nothing but underwear. He doesn't care that his coworker sees his sexual comments on Marshall Facebook pages. But he allegedly is concerned that the coworker would be able to reverse Google image search his underwear picture and then be able to identify his username on here to read his comments, which he incorrectly thinks are any worse than what he posts on Marshall Facebook pages.

Got it.

He's back to calling her "girlfriend" again, and he feels the need to then point out that he means his wife:

Oh, hi, shadow. There hasn't been a cloud in the sky all day here, yet somehow this is the first I have seen of you.

Where did I ever say that I was "OK" with moderators giving me that information to me? I called them out in the past for doing it.
You certainly said it without actually saying it.
Even a tier three attorney would shred this apart
I don't follow you all around FB to see what you post. A Tier Four could explain that. Chase some tornadoes or hike Fourteeners or photograph a volcano and it will be in my feed. He said he didn't want it here, and I figure it's for the reason the rest of you nuts wouldn't, and why I wouldn't. That's my code.

I do like Keeper's FB. I occasionally look you up to see what fancy shit you are up to. I haven't seen wvfan's FB since his birthday lol. Arch used to be in my feed a lot but now he rarely is, it's a byproduct of my storm chaser circle I guess.
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Well yeah, don't use slurs especially after you were warned not to. It's not the first or last time you got a break for similar stuff.

That's laughable.

And like I said, I'm not going to put up with anyone here using medical conditions or disabilities as a way to attack someone. If you were in a wheelchair and he called you a goddamn cripple I'd do the same. It ain't cool, see above, be cool unto others. That's not smack, that's flat out fvxked.
Wait…so we can’t make fun of ET’s mental handicap?
I don't follow you all around FB to see what you post. A Tier Four could explain that. Chase some tornadoes or hike Fourteeners or photograph a volcano and it will be in my feed. He said he didn't want it here, and I figure it's for the reason the rest of you nuts wouldn't, and why I wouldn't. That's my code.

I do like Keeper's FB. I occasionally look you up to see what fancy shit you are up to. I haven't seen wvfan's FB since his birthday lol. Arch used to be in my feed a lot but now he rarely is, it's a byproduct of my storm chaser circle I guess.
Be mindful of the energy you invest in responding to him, and set clear boundaries in how much effort you put into explaining yourself.

Regarding Facebook, I'm not sure what's happening with it lately. I hardly see anyone's posts anymore; it seems dominated by ads related to things I'm shopping for, like guitar parts, gear, weightlifting equipment, and cars. Lots of random memes, which I DO appreciate. The Reels at the top have replaced people's written stories.

Additionally, I began to feel oversaturated by constant communications from work and personal life, with two cellphones always buzzing. I turned off every notification on my personal phone except for text messages. It was life-changing. Sometimes I don't get back to people for days and that's OK. If it's important, they'll call.
Be mindful of the energy you invest in responding to him, and set clear boundaries in how much effort you put into explaining yourself.
Me moron. Me need to write down boundaries and limits on what I decide to write and do with my time.

Additionally, I began to feel oversaturated by constant communications from work and personal life, with two cellphones always buzzing. I turned off every notification on my personal phone except for text messages. It was life-changing. Sometimes I don't get back to people for days and that's OK. If it's important, they'll call.
Me moron. Me need to write down boundaries and limits on what I decide to write and do with my time.
If he legit had one, hell no. The hell is wrong with you people.
Greed most definitely has some type of mental illness, BUT he's also too fvcking crazy to seek Western Medicine approach so he will never be diagnosed.

Therefore, without an official diagnosis, we are entitled to make fun of him, per our Pullman bylaws.
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