Hey! Remember when the New York AG was going to bury Trump under a mound of criminal charges?

Amazing how none of the lies from the Left have worked out.

You hear that OldTurd? Your side is a bunch of lying pieces of shit.
Seriously. This is the case she’s bringing??? Bahahahahahahahaha!

Does this mean the counties have to give back the property tax money paid on those “over valued” property statements????

Being sued for “Ill gotten gains”…..bahahahahahaha

My god these political hacks are desperate
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I would imagine he is going to counter sue that dumb idiot.

They are just trying to go after him for anything. Imagine that a blue shithole state suing him in a civil action. OVer the value of his property? Damn, isn't that on the banks side to check out?

Hey, my house is worth a billion! Ok, here is some money.

Dumb asses. Probably will get thrown out.
As always, when it comes to Trump (or anything else, really) the left way overpromises and underdelivers.
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Aha it’s only civil tax fraud! Checkmate again!

Wonder what they’ll find in discovery for the civil suits. Should be real real interesting.
Are you saying she filed the civil action just to obtain evidence for a criminal investigation? Because that would be really interesting and potentually violate several ethics rules, as well as rules of criminal and/or civil procedure.
Are you saying she filed the civil action just to obtain evidence for a criminal investigation? Because that would be really interesting and potentually violate several ethics rules, as well as rules of criminal and/or civil procedure.
He migth be correct. That won't stop a possessed Democrat.
Are you saying she filed the civil action just to obtain evidence for a criminal investigation? Because that would be really interesting and potentually violate several ethics rules, as well as rules of criminal and/or civil procedure.
No, I’m saying she filed civil action because it was warranted, but it will be fun to see what else gets uncovered as a result of that.
The relentless wishing and hoping for Trump to get in trouble by the Left is just plain adorable 🥰
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Amazing , perfect timing of them coming out with this. The same day the Fed raised interest rates.

It is all rigged!
That and less than two months until Election Day for the NY AG
It is really a game to them. Perfect timing working in concert with each other. Let's make sure a civil lawsuit is filed against Trump on the same day as the Fed is going to announce. They did it on purpose to distract.
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