Hillary E-Mail Scandal is Riling Up the Mainstream Media


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly
When MSNBC et al are going crazy trying to wake-up the Hillary Clinton campaign you know this might be something true.

The real problem for the Democrats is that unless someone new jumps up out of the shadows they have no other options. Elizabeth Warren is not going to win states that Barack Obama did and she certainly will not play well in states that matter in a general election. Without Hillary the DNC is in a real pickle.

She's willing to share her emails with the public.

Hell, I would do the same with mine, if I were allowed to throw out the ones I didn't want anybody else to see.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Sorry for all the replies. I'm on my cell and don't know what happened
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I do (know what happened) -- Hillary. And the NSA. They are trying to set you up. ;)
Hillary can do whatever the hell she wants.

She can take a shit on the white house sidewalk every day between now & election day, and these bums, fruits, and liberals will vote her in. It's a done deal.

The only thing stopping her at this point is Obama.

Like Walden referenced, if the King wants to remain in office, I assume he'll do so. Who the hell is going to stop him? The GOP even has a couple of fruits running the legislative branches.

It's over already. No sense wasting your time going to the polls if you're a republican. I'm sure as hell not going to stand in line out in the cold again in 2016.
Depends on what is in the emails. She could be in a world of hurt for security reasons if there was secure information being passed on a private email.

Of course the cronies will cover it up because of who she is.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
429 is right. No one cares about email. The average person thinks, "Hell, I've got two or three email accounts.". People care about corruption for cash, sex, tangible shenanigans.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
IMO this is just the start to the Dem party trying to sandbag her. Next up, names for all the people, countries, businesses she shook down to "donate" to her and Bills "charitable" foundation---so they could have access to her in the State Dept, or....Presidency...

Someone was on here the other day talking about how "popular" she was.........LOL. Book sales don't lie. She's not that popular.

I still believe the "party" would like them to disappear. Coumo/Warren 2016.
No way the Democrat party puts a straight white male at the top of their ticket. Even if he's the best candidate. That's not how they operate.
For whatever reason, they don't like her. Even if Obama doesn't become the king, I think the media will never be able to quit fawning over him. Whoever runs will be compared to Obama and looked down at. "The One is too tough of an act to follow. Everyone might as well bow out and admit it can't be done."