Hillary hates everyone it seems

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
Besides the zombies who will vote for her regardless if she is in prison or not who else does she like?

"She talks about the 'deplorables' [supporting Donald Trump] — a quarter of the nation, you're horrible people. Now [she's] trying to sympathize with Bernie Sanders' people, she says you're a barista, you live in a basement, you have a sad life, join me and I'll make it better.

Oh I forgot she likes:
illegal aliens
dead people who vote for her
Besides the zombies who will vote for her regardless if she is in prison or not who else does she like?

"She talks about the 'deplorables' [supporting Donald Trump] — a quarter of the nation, you're horrible people. Now [she's] trying to sympathize with Bernie Sanders' people, she says you're a barista, you live in a basement, you have a sad life, join me and I'll make it better.

Oh I forgot she likes:
illegal aliens
dead people who vote for her

Seriously, you want to talk about who trump likes? White males. That's it. White males, except for soldiers who don't get taken prisoner.
Seriously, you want to talk about who trump likes? White males. That's it. White males, except for soldiers who don't get taken prisoner.
tell that to Ben Carson, Allen West, etc. He also likes coal miners, policeman and church goers. He has reached out to minorities and other voting blocks that are not normal GOP voters.He respects our allies and lets our enemies know there is a new Sherriff bout to ride into town. I can't think of any groups that Hillary has reached out to in order to unify the nation. All she does is calls middle America losers

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