Hillary - Pinochio McPinochioFace


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
During an interview this weekend, Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was asked about the lies she's been telling her supporters concerning her home-brew server. I'm beginning to wonder if she even watched Comey's presser. Because the Washington Post did. And for as much as they want her to win, even they're starting to point out her problems with telling the truth. If this was something small, it wouldn't bother me. But it ain't small & Hillary just continues to prove she's a sociopath.

It's one thing to lie like a politician, and another to take it to the level she does. Then she lies about random things like her namesake and sniper fire. Lying about her emails is at least in defense of herself, the other stuff doesn't help her politically, they're just false stories made up for no reason at all. She fits the definition to a T.

Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm.
  • Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. ...
  • Grandiose Sense of Self. ...
  • Pathological Lying. ...
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. ...
  • Shallow Emotions. ...
  • Incapacity for Love.
  • Need for Stimulation.
In before extra says wapo fact checkers are stupid poopie heads

All of a sudden, conservatives accept factchecking without reservation. Weird.

But here's the answer......She had to lie to congress and the FBI because she was under fire by a Bosnian sniper at that time and she didn't want to give away her position.
All of a sudden, conservatives accept factchecking without reservation. Weird.

But here's the answer......She had to lie to congress and the FBI because she was under fire by a Bosnian sniper at that time and she didn't want to give away her position.
Did extra just attempt humorous overtones?
If you're under fire your position is already known. More liberal stupidity.
This is the post I made about her interview on Fox. I was watching and couldn't believe she was actually saying that. I don't care how deranged you are, at some point it has to dawn on even the most delusional that nobody is buying your BS.
This is the post I made about her interview on Fox. I was watching and couldn't believe she was actually saying that. I don't care how deranged you are, at some point it has to dawn on even the most delusional that nobody is buying your BS.
Trump's also a sociopath, just not one that our State Department & also the FBI has come out independent of each other & rebuked for their inability to keep our nation's secrets secure. If she'll lie about the little stuff, there's really no reason to give her the benefit of the doubt about anything.
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