Why wouldn’t you give her the benefit of the doubt? I don’t like the fact that this all comes out 30 years later only when the political machines get involved. But what is the GOP and Trump going to do if they go through with the nomination only to find out later there is evidence supporting her claim?
the DNC has fingers crossed there are millions more as stupid as you.
Hey idiot, what part of the 4 times I’ve said on here I wasn’t supportive of how this played out. But you’re too stupid to answer the question logically, what are you going to do if Trumps Golden boy is found guilty of this after he’s been announced as the Justice?
Correct it after consulting some nut on a message board.
Because she has a history of ignoring/smearing victims of sexual assaultWhy wouldn’t you give her the benefit of the doubt? I don’t like the fact that this all comes out 30 years later only when the political machines get involved. But what is the GOP and Trump going to do if they go through with the nomination only to find out later there is evidence supporting her claim?
Because she has a history of ignoring/smearing victims of sexual assault
I think the question is why would Hillary give her the benefit. I mean she is on record of "standing by her man" when various women accused her husband of far worse. So it is funny to hear her chime in on the subject. But none of us would expect you to get it. After all you are such a Trump Hater you can only see bad even when there is good all around in plain sightWhy wouldn’t you give her the benefit of the doubt? I don’t like the fact that this all comes out 30 years later only when the political machines get involved. But what is the GOP and Trump going to do if they go through with the nomination only to find out later there is evidence supporting her claim?
I think the question is why would Hillary give her the benefit. I mean she is on record of "standing by her man" when various women accused her husband of far worse. So it is funny to hear her chime in on the subject. But none of us would expect you to get it. After all you are such a Trump Hater you can only see bad even when there is good all around in plain sight
No moron the question is why wouldn’t anyone give her the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete? That’s the whole reason for the interview to begin with. Leave Clinton out of this and answer that question
Thanks BC for logically answering a simple question in which most on here are obviously incapable of doing. I don’t disagree with you on a lot of this. But do you think the nomination should be held up until the investigation of complete or move forward with it and hope she backs off? Seems like a political nightmare to me if she’s telling the truth, is it worth the risk?
I knew you wouldn't understand, above your head once again.The OP refers to Hillary so I am responding to that statement and can't leave her out. Of all people, she never gave any of her husbands accusers the benefit of the doubt, she attacked them all. On top of that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be assumed guilty simply because someone says so.No moron the question is why wouldn’t anyone give her the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete? That’s the whole reason for the interview to begin with. Leave Clinton out of this and answer that question
I knew you wouldn't understand, above your head once again.The OP refers to Hillary so I am responding to that statement and can't leave her out. Of all people, she never gave any of her husbands accusers the benefit of the doubt, she attacked them all. On top of that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be assumed guilty simply because someone says so.
And you change the subject ...priceless. By the way, if you could comprehend anything, you would understand that I never said she shouldn't be given the benefit of doubt. I said in response to the OP that it is funny HC said that.Funny you mention “over your head” I see you haven’t visited the main board yet
I think the Republicans in the Senate have been more than willing to allow her to testify on this account. Her lawyers are refusing. So, in my mind, what else can they do? This is not an FBI issue. Like I said before, she isn’t even really accusing him of sexual assault.
And you change the subject ...priceless. By the way, if you could comprehend anything, you would understand that I never said she shouldn't be given the benefit of doubt. I said in response to the OP that it is funny HC said that.
Comprehension? Coming from you who couldn’t comprehend Herdlalicious simple post on the main board? GTFO
The senat judiciary committee is trying to investigate. The Dems are dragging their feet. If there’s a crime then go to the local authorities where the crime took place and file a report. It amazes me how Ford isn’t ready to testify but by god she was ready to take a polygraph. She was ready to take her story to her congresswoman. She through her attorneys said at the beginning of the week that she couldn’t wait to tell her story for the committee but now that won’t happen unless her demands are metThanks BC for logically answering a simple question in which most on here are obviously incapable of doing. I don’t disagree with you on a lot of this. But do you think the nomination should be held up until the investigation of complete or move forward with it and hope she backs off? Seems like a political nightmare to me if she’s telling the truth, is it worth the risk?
Okay we can go back and forth on this but you obviously aren't smart enough to understand. By the way, I concede I read the post you referenced quickly and did not respond correctly on the other board. Have your fun with that one. Sad you are too arrogant to admit you are wrong on this one.Comprehension? Coming from you who couldn’t comprehend Herdlalicious simple post on the main board? GTFO
From the article.Hillary Clinton told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that she believes Dr. Christine Blasey Ford deserves the benefit of the doubt in her accusation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, sexually assaulted her when the two were teenagers.No moron the question is why wouldn’t anyone give her the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete? That’s the whole reason for the interview to begin with. Leave Clinton out of this and answer that question
Okay we can go back and forth on this but you obviously aren't smart enough to understand. By the way, I concede I read the post you referenced quickly and did not respond correctly on the other board. Have your fun with that one. Sad you are too arrogant to admit you are wrong on this one.
As Ohio Herd has already pointed out, the OP was specifically geared towards the hypocrisy of Clinton's comments, not the truthfulness of Ford's allegations in general. Only an idiot could misunderstand that. Oh, wait . . .
OMG you are really pitiful. The OP was about Clinton. I don't care about your dislike of her. Don't attack me for responding to the OP. You for some reason can't understand that for me to respond to the OP I must refer to her.My question was simple and the only person smart enough to answer was BC. Why would you not give her the benefit of the doubt?
OMG you are really pitiful. The OP was about Clinton. I don't care about your dislike of her. Don't attack me for responding to the OP. You for some reason can't understand that for me to respond to the OP I must refer to her.
I said I didn’t give a fvck about Hillary I only asked why “her” meaning the accuser not Hillary. Why would anyone refer to giving Hillary the benefit of the doubt she’s just being interviewed over the situation. Damn you’re fvcking dense. The headline states “Hillary thinks accused deserves benefit of the doubt”
Go back to 3rd grade and start over idiot
On a side note, you make Extra's and Country's posts seem passibly intelligent, so congrats, I guess?
OMG you are really pitiful. The OP was about Clinton. I don't care about your dislike of her. Don't attack me for responding to the OP. You for some reason can't understand that for me to respond to the OP I must refer to her.
I think the question is why would Hillary give her the benefit. I mean she is on record of "standing by her man" when various women accused her husband of far worse. So it is funny to hear her chime in on the subject. But none of us would expect you to get it. After all you are such a Trump Hater you can only see bad even when there is good all around in plain sight
Also, while we're at it, why should she get "the benefit of the doubt"?
For example, say one of the moms on your kid's baseball team claims you cornered her in the snack booth and felt her up, all while she kept telling you to stop. Does she get the "benefit of the doubt" for simply making an allegation, even though you know it to be wholly untrue ?
No one should get the "benefit" of anything in a he said, she said scenario. You take the allegations, question the parties involved, determine if there is corroborating evidence one way or the other, and go from there.
Giving her the "benefit of the doubt" is saying, "well, unless he can prove otherwise, it must be true," which is a legal and logical absurdity.
Normally I would let this go. With you I will make an exception. To recap: the OP was about the blatant hypocrisy of HC. Here is what you said initially No moron the question is why wouldn’t anyone give her the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete? That’s the whole reason for the interview to begin with. Leave Clinton out of this and answer that question It is absolutely hilarious for Hillary to say that. That is not the subject in the OP. You keep changing the subject. Our response is about HC and her obvious conflict when she never gave any of her husbands accusers the benefit of doubt.I am not attacking her answer. I am making fun of her now saying it is a big deal when years earlier she didn't afford that position to others. Start a new thread and talk about how the accuser needs to be given the benefit of doubt if you wish. Good Lord quite trying to pretend that you didn't put your foot in your mouth on this thread.I didn’t attack you you quoted me and stated this about Clinton when at no point I was referring to Clinton in my question. How stupid are you and LeotardCat today?
Normally I would let this go. With you I will make an exception. To recap: the OP was about the blatant hypocrisy of HC. Here is what you said initially No moron the question is why wouldn’t anyone give her the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete? That’s the whole reason for the interview to begin with. Leave Clinton out of this and answer that question It is absolutely hilarious for Hillary to say that. That is not the subject in the OP. You keep changing the subject. Our response is about HC and her obvious conflict when she never gave any of her husbands accusers the benefit of doubt.I am not attacking her answer. I am making fun of her now saying it is a big deal when years earlier she didn't afford that position to others. Start a new thread and talk about how the accuser needs to be given the benefit of doubt if you wish. Good Lord quite trying to pretend that you didn't put your foot in your mouth on this thread.
The reason I asked and why wouldn’t you want to is the political nightmare involving the nomination if for some reason her story is validated. I for one don’t believe everything she says is true and the timing is too much of a coincidence for my liking. But if she’s right and this guy is nominated the backlash is going to be catastrophic I think.
First, you failed to address my hypothetical. Second, in what way do the concerns you've outlined above warrant "giving her the benefit of the doubt"? The correct approach is the one i laid out in my post - as opposed to believing her unless, or until, it's proven untrue. How does a follow-up investigation fail to address your concerns? You're not making any sense. The notion of simply giving her story credibility over Kavanaugh's would result in a tremendous injustice to the accused, which is the complete opposite of what you'd want for anyone in this situation.
Kavanaugh, more than anybody involved in this, understands the ramifications of perjuring himself. The GOP has gone beyond what I would say is reasonable given how thin her case is.Problem with your hypothetical question is I’m not being nominated for the Justice of the Surpreme Court so it’s not the same scenario to begin with. Also in your scenario I’m not running for office or the board in this so called league therefore your hypothetical scenario has no merit here. If that’s the type of courtroom litigation you learned at your Tier 3 school you were robbed of a legit law degree if that’s the best you can do. However, since I’m a good sport I’ll play along here. If this were the case I certainly would want my name cleared before I went forward with the nomination. If I had any doubt that it wouldn’t be I would deny the nomination to save myself the public humiliation that would ensue. Me personally I think it’s a huge gamble for the GOP at least until it’s dropped or she testifies.