Hoard of illegals making their way through mexico

hundreds if not thousands of Central Americans are illegally making their way through Mexico with hopes making it to the US. They aren’t being secret about their intentions so fvck Mexico if they allow this to happen. And I hope the border patrol sends every single one of them back to their crap hole country.

But the Great Wall of Mexico is going to stop all this, at their expense of course. Lmao you dolts bought that bullshit
But the Great Wall of Mexico is going to stop all this, at their expense of course. Lmao you dolts bought that bullshit
Do you have a fence around your property? And I knew trump was full of shit with that crap about Mexico paying for it
Mexicans will vote for Presidente' Bernie Sanders. No needy a job--he give them everything free. Presidente' Sanders and his wife love doing illegal things too.
Do you have a fence around your property? And I knew trump was full of shit with that crap about Mexico paying for it

What does my property have to do with the idiot running for president promising a wall so morons like you will vote for him?
hundreds if not thousands of Central Americans are illegally making their way through Mexico with hopes making it to the US. They aren’t being secret about their intentions so fvck Mexico if they allow this to happen. And I hope the border patrol sends every single one of them back to their crap hole country.

Here’s the thing... I understand the point of view that says we can’t just take in everybody. I understand believing that there needs to be a process in which people follow to become citizens to assure they’re not coming here to overburden and exploit the system. In fact I can go along with that. What I cannot understand though is the glee you display in sending them back and the apparent lack of empathy for those whose culpability in their own misfortunes are tied only to the situation in which they are born. But hey...we got ours right? Let’s send them back to their “crap hole country.” I mean...who do these dregs of society think they are? How dare them fleeing abject poverty, crime, and a corrupt government that provides them no opportunity to ever know anything different. The nerve of those people wanting a better life for their children.
Here’s the thing... I understand the point of view that says we can’t just take in everybody. I understand believing that there needs to be a process in which people follow to become citizens to assure they’re not coming here to overburden and exploit the system. In fact I can go along with that. What I cannot understand though is the glee you display in sending them back and the apparent lack of empathy for those whose culpability in their own misfortunes are tied only to the situation in which they are born. But hey...we got ours right? Let’s send them back to their “crap hole country.” I mean...who do these dregs of society think they are? How dare them fleeing abject poverty, crime, and a corrupt government that provides them no opportunity to ever know anything different. The nerve of those people wanting a better life for their children.
Oh I have empathy for them. Their situation sucks mostly through no fault of their own. I couldn’t imagine taking my kids on over a 1000 mile journey. That doesn’t mean they have a right to everything our country offers. Would you let the bums down at riverfront park crash at your house or would you be selective of who you let in? Imagine if they put that energy into their own country. We should try to help them better their own country not just give them free range in ours.
Oh I have empathy for them. Their situation sucks mostly through no fault of their own. I couldn’t imagine taking my kids on over a 1000 mile journey. That doesn’t mean they have a right to everything our country offers. Would you let the bums down at riverfront park crash at your house or would you be selective of who you let in? Imagine if they put that energy into their own country. We should try to help them better their own country not just give them free range in ours.

Fair enough. And if you read what I wrote, I don’t totally disagree with being careful how we allow people in. The problem though is how powerless the impoverished are to do anything about it. The situation for these people is overwhelmingly hopeless.

But one of the main reasons I’ve shifted from identifying myself as conservative is the anger and mean spiritedness of their rhetoric. You say you have empathy and I don’t doubt it. But that empathy didn’t show through in your post. You didn’t say...this is a bad situation for people through no fault of their own, but we have to be careful here because we aren’t in a position to be caregivers of the world. You said to send them back to their “crap hole country.” I didn’t see the empathy in that and I’m glad you clarified your point of view.

However, I do believe that an overwhelming majority of conservatives, especially Trump supporters, have very little empathy for those less fortunate both inside and outside of our country. Poverty and the lot you’re born into just stacks the odds against people. More so in other countries where the economic base of the country gives them almost zero chance to find a way out. That’s why they’re coming here. Our own poverty in this country certainly stacks the odds against you, but it isn’t hopeless like elsewhere. How people can display the hatefulness and total lack of empathy is beyond me. But I read this mean spirited stuff everywhere and it’s coming mainly from the right.

I was a conservative all my life because I believe in the values of hard work. I can’t understand sloth and it bothers me when I see able bodied people with a choice and options refuse to better themselves. I was a conservative all my life because I believed it gave me the best chance to provide for my family. But I quit identifying with conservatism when they started exulting hatefulness. Go on some of the conservative sites such as The Donald on reddit. It’s hard to believe people can’t value work and self reliance without hating everyone.
I personally take no pleasure in sending these people back. Like you said, we can't take everyone who may want to come here. Has anyone ever conducted a study of how many people we can absorb on an annual basis without taking in more people than we can assimilate?
I personally take no pleasure in sending these people back. Like you said, we can't take everyone who may want to come here. Has anyone ever conducted a study of how many people we can absorb on an annual basis without taking in more people than we can assimilate?

I think that’s a good question, but if we believe in conservative principles wouldn’t we say that our economy isn’t a finite pie but an expanding one? Wouldn’t the increase of productive members grow the supply and demand and increase the base of the economy? This is a conservative philosophy correct?

It’s not that easy I know. There’s would be those who would enjoy higher standards on our welfare than living in poverty of their own country so therefore unmotivated to become productive. Not an easy fix. But I have to believe that if you’re motivated to march across the length of an entire country to find a chance elsewhere, then laziness and industry isn’t a concern. Maybe the answer lies in probationary periods to find employment and self sufficiency.

Certainly not an easy fix. But in the mean time I certainly won’t be taking any pleasure from shipping them back.
Fair enough. And if you read what I wrote, I don’t totally disagree with being careful how we allow people in. The problem though is how powerless the impoverished are to do anything about it. The situation for these people is overwhelmingly hopeless.

But one of the main reasons I’ve shifted from identifying myself as conservative is the anger and mean spiritedness of their rhetoric. You say you have empathy and I don’t doubt it. But that empathy didn’t show through in your post. You didn’t say...this is a bad situation for people through no fault of their own, but we have to be careful here because we aren’t in a position to be caregivers of the world. You said to send them back to their “crap hole country.” I didn’t see the empathy in that and I’m glad you clarified your point of view.

However, I do believe that an overwhelming majority of conservatives, especially Trump supporters, have very little empathy for those less fortunate both inside and outside of our country. Poverty and the lot you’re born into just stacks the odds against people. More so in other countries where the economic base of the country gives them almost zero chance to find a way out. That’s why they’re coming here. Our own poverty in this country certainly stacks the odds against you, but it isn’t hopeless like elsewhere. How people can display the hatefulness and total lack of empathy is beyond me. But I read this mean spirited stuff everywhere and it’s coming mainly from the right.

I was a conservative all my life because I believe in the values of hard work. I can’t understand sloth and it bothers me when I see able bodied people with a choice and options refuse to better themselves. I was a conservative all my life because I believed it gave me the best chance to provide for my family. But I quit identifying with conservatism when they started exulting hatefulness. Go on some of the conservative sites such as The Donald on reddit. It’s hard to believe people can’t value work and self reliance without hating everyone.
i Didn’t realize my message board persona had to mimic my real life. We all play a role on the message board and I don’t think anyone is truly exemplified by their message board screen name, except for extra. He is just a bitter old man with no real life experience
By the way...I can now assume that it was your persona that told me to get back to work during the teachers' strike? :p
I doesn't. But conversely if you are projecting a persona you shouldn't be surprised when it is challenged.
I don’t ever mind being challenged. I just don’t ever really take anything posted here all that seriously.

By the way...I can now assume that it was your persona that told me to get back to work during the teachers' strike? :p
That one was the real me sorry
Youre an idiot if you believe Mexico just lets it happen.
Have they turned them back? It's in the article that they are crossin checkpoints military bases etc. it's not like they are walking through the desert. They are walking through towns and villiages and not one of them has been picked up by Mexican authorities
Have they turned them back? It's in the article that they are crossin checkpoints military bases etc. it's not like they are walking through the desert. They are walking through towns and villiages and not one of them has been picked up by Mexican authorities

It's also in the article that it's one guy's 3rd attempt to make it across. Someone stopped him the first two times.
Have they turned them back? It's in the article that they are crossin checkpoints military bases etc. it's not like they are walking through the desert. They are walking through towns and villiages and not one of them has been picked up by Mexican authorities

Just getting through Mexico alive and illegal is a journey in it self.
Just getting through Mexico alive and illegal is a journey in it self.
So that gives them a pass to come to the us?

It's also in the article that it's one guy's 3rd attempt to make it across. Someone stopped him the first two times.
He also said the that same paragraph that the caravan is slower but he knows he's going to get to the US border safely
I'd try to get my family to a better place too if we were under near intolerable conditions. If you wouldn't, you don't love your family.
The future democrat voting base....

Ask how these “refugee” migrations have worked in Utopian Europe?




Boards of people trying to get in and take advantage of DACA. Even though you can’t if you weren’t here before 2017. But trump tweets it anyway. The hill jacks follow right along with his tweets even though he is lying.
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