Hope I'm wrong....


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
but I have concerns we have a recession next year. It's avoidable if the correct things are done, but I'm not convinced they will be.
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I see a slow down nothing like that last one
It can't keep this pace. Balls to the wall is bot sustainable
I see a slow down nothing like that last one
It can't keep this pace. Balls to the wall is bot sustainable

If I'm right, it'll almost certainly be the fault of cheetos and the republican held Congress of 2017-18. The economy that he inherited was in a particular condition, a condition that requires doing pretty much nothing, and then he stuck his finger in the socket when he imposed tariffs that affect not only the U S but other nation's economies as well. Then he rewarded people who produce nothing when he gave the rich big tax cuts, which created a small stimulus with those cuts. Just enough stimulus to cause rising inflation which the fed has to fight. In addition to that he created uncertainty in the financial world because they don't know what he's going to do next. All he had to do was step in the shoes of obama and tell everyone to chill, but no, he had to do the things I mentioned above. Hope I'm wrong, but I'm seriously concerned, and you don't know how mild or severe it will be. There was a reason I told you it was Obama's economy until Dec of 2017, that's when the tax cut passed and that may have been the biggest catalyst that starts the ball rolling in the wrong direction.
If I'm right, it'll almost certainly be the fault of cheetos and the republican held Congress of 2017-18. The economy that he inherited was in a particular condition, a condition that requires doing pretty much nothing, and then he stuck his finger in the socket when he imposed tariffs that affect not only the U S but other nation's economies as well. Then he rewarded people who produce nothing when he gave the rich big tax cuts, which created a small stimulus with those cuts. Just enough stimulus to cause rising inflation which the fed has to fight. In addition to that he created uncertainty in the financial world because they don't know what he's going to do next. All he had to do was step in the shoes of obama and tell everyone to chill, but no, he had to do the things I mentioned above. Hope I'm wrong, but I'm seriously concerned, and you don't know how mild or severe it will be. There was a reason I told you it was Obama's economy until Dec of 2017, that's when the tax cut passed and that may have been the biggest catalyst that starts the ball rolling in the wrong direction.
The economy was stagnant before trump's time. Basically flat
Preemptive post to blame the income shiteshow of a democratic house on the 2018 republicans. If things go to crap it will be because the dems derail the train.
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Preemptive post to blame the income shiteshow of a democratic house on the 2018 republicans. If things go to crap it will be because the dems derail the train.
Yep I guess you haven’t been paying attention the last month. Worst stock market performance in the last 10 years.
Preemptive post to blame the income shiteshow of a democratic house on the 2018 republicans. If things go to crap it will be because the dems derail the train.

The dems could add to the problem, but I gave my reasons for my concern.
Here's the "basically flat" obama economy.....



Stock market....


labor force participation rate ^^^^

The dems could add to the problem, but I gave my reasons for my concern.

if you will excuse us, we don't pay much attention to economic theory from out of business cabinet makers from out wayne. thanks
Says the guy^^^who still believes in santa claus economics.
Shocker those - who believe a man whose only consistent personality trait is habitual/continual lying - would find it impossible to accept empirical, economic data proving the liar's lies are, in fact, lies.

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