Hot Take-a-Palooza


Platinum Buffalo
Apr 3, 2007
Hot Take #1: The Mods aren't getting rich from this shit.
I find myself sometimes getting salty, but the truth is none of these guys are doing this for a living, and I think they generally try to be fair with people. One of the hardest parts about journalism is to not marry your subject, and when you're doing something like this on a near-volunteer basis, I think you're cool to go ahead and get hitched. We get frustrated because they tend to err on the side of caution when it comes toward their relationship with the athletic department, but I don't think we should blame them for that.

Hot Take #2: Doc Holliday isn't a bad coach.
UCF 2012. I was at the tailgate in a kelly green-and-white Adidas tracksuit (that I had recently been married in) telling people, "Tonight is the night Doc makes you a believer!" In the years that have passed, the small cabal of depraved miscreants who admit to knowing me have made hay with those comments. I was always in the bag for this dude, because I thought he was a hard ass, and that his approach would work with the type of players we typically need in order to be successful. You can't say he didn't have success, even if maybe not what we were hoping for. I think there is no doubt he deserves to be in the Marshall Hall of Fame.

Hot Take #3: Mike Hamrick isn't that bad either.
Facilities have been upgraded on his watch. He has sold some crazy shit to some really rich people, and now we have some things that maybe the program wouldn't have otherwise. I was so mad when he hired Dan D'antoni, I thought he fumbled that shit so bad, but I've enjoyed watching Marshall basketball more since than I ever did before. I think he feels a personal stake in what is happening, and he really wants to do a good job.

Hot Take #4: The chicanery and subterfuge regarding Marshall athletics is stupid.
Mark Snyder got five f------ years. Five. You get the job here, you get to stub your toe. A prize recruit went nutty? Not the first time we've heard that shit, certainly won't be the last. Just say it. Or release an antiseptic statement that lets us know what happened, even if it isn't entirely flattering for the kid who will no longer be associated with us. Like let's say what happened was, Tim Cramsey got sent in to tell Isaiah Green that Grant Wells would be taking snaps with the ones, and he had words, strong words that meant he could no longer be on the team wink wink nudge nudge. Pure fantasy, but indulge me. Who's mad at the staff? Who is there to be mad at? {Rhetorical}

Hot Take #5: Marshall athletics are a public entity.
People who hate Marshall often point out the amount of subsidy that goes into Marshall athletics. There are about 1.2 million WVU fans in the state who would just as soon see Marshall athletics defunded. If you are a Marshall fan and you meet other Marshall fans, even if you disagree with them, don't ever tell them "this isn't for you." This needs to be for as many people as it can be, otherwise it might not be.

Hot Take #6: Marshall athletics are a public entity.
And the public is tired of not knowing WTF is going on.

Hot Take #7: Everything I do is dope.
I once got a woman pregnant twice in a single act. I was a YMCA Dodgeball champion in 2004. I can totally juggle, but I've never used it to get laid. If any of you ever think you can make me feel bad about myself, you're barking up the wrong avalanche.
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Hot Take #1: The Mods aren't getting rich from this shit.
I find myself sometimes getting salty, but the truth is none of these guys are doing this for a living, and I think they generally try to be fair with people. One of the hardest parts about journalism is to not marry your subject, and when you're doing something like this on a near-volunteer basis, I think you're cool to go ahead and get hitched. We get frustrated because they tend to err on the side of caution when it comes toward their relationship with the athletic department, but I don't think we should blame them for that.

Hot Take #2: Doc Holliday isn't a bad coach.
UCF 2012. I was at the tailgate in a kelly green-and-white Adidas tracksuit (that I had recently been married in) telling people, "Tonight is the night Doc makes you a believer!" In the years that have passed, the small cabal of depraved miscreants who admit to knowing me have made hay with those comments. I was always in the bag for this dude, because I thought he was a hard ass, and that his approach would work with the type of players we typically need in order to be successful. You can't say he didn't have success, even if maybe not what we were hoping for. I think there is no doubt he deserves to be in the Marshall Hall of Fame.

Hot Take #3: Mike Hamrick isn't that bad either.
Facilities have been upgraded on his watch. He has sold some crazy shit to some really rich people, and now we have some things that maybe the program wouldn't have otherwise. I was so mad when he hired Dan D'antoni, I thought he fumbled that shit so bad, but I've enjoyed watching Marshall basketball more since than I ever did before. I think he feels a personal stake in what is happening, and he really wants to do a good job.

Hot Take #4: The chicanery and subterfuge regarding Marshall athletics is stupid.
Mark Snyder got five f------ years. Five. You get the job here, you get to stub your toe. A prize recruit went nutty? Not the first time we've heard that shit, certainly won't be the last. Just say it. Or release an antiseptic statement that lets us know what happened, even if it isn't entirely flattering for the kid who will no longer be associated with us. Like let's say what happened was, Tim Cramsey got sent in to tell Isaiah Green that Grant Wells would be taking snaps with the ones, and he had words, strong words that meant he could no longer be on the team wink wink nudge nudge. Pure fantasy, but indulge me. Who's mad at the staff? Who is there to be mad at? {Rhetorical}

Hot Take #5: Marshall athletics are a public entity.
People who hate Marshall often point out the amount of subsidy that goes into Marshall athletics. There are about 1.2 million WVU fans in the state who would just as soon see Marshall athletics defunded. If you are a Marshall fan and you meet other Marshall fans, even if you disagree with them, don't ever tell them "this isn't for you." This needs to be for as many people as it can be, otherwise it might not be.

Hot Take #6: Marshall athletics are a public entity.
And the public is tired of not knowing WTF is going on.

Hot Take #7: Everything I do is dope.
I once got a woman pregnant twice in a single act. I was a YMCA Dodgeball champion in 2004. I can totally juggle, but I've never used it to get laid. If any of you ever think you can make me feel bad about myself, you're barking up the wrong avalanche.

Absolutely solid.
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