How a hurricane in this crucial swing state may screw Trump supporters


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
Now that his potential votes are on the line in flood-ravaged North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign has asked the Democrat-controlled State Board of Elections, the legislature, and the Democratic governor to offer those voters exactly the sort of access he and his minions are suing to deny everywhere else.

It passed. THe legislature is not Democrat Controlled. The Board Elecions by Statute has 5 members: 3 from the sitting governors party and 2 from the states other largest party. It was bound to pass because the state legislature was called to session and by 100 percent support by both parties passed an emergency releif bill. Trump didn't have anything to do with it. It was 100 percent going to go that way. Nobody was going to screw with that. The people would have never stood for it. In this area this is one of those moments were people are called together to help.

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