How about a woman president?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
That's what we're gonna have, you know. An old hag. Is this worse than Obama?

I don't think so. She's kind of manly, bullish, certainly cold and calculating. That voice though. And she'll talk louder and more often than Obama has. He really turned out to be quite a weakling. You'd think he was white. He has really acted like a modern day white man in there. His wife the gorilla, you can tell she's the boss.

Why doesn't she just run for president? Holy cow, can you imagine. She would beat Hillary by 50. In elections, even in sports. Probably even in bowling.

Hillary's voice, God it sounds terrible. All hoarse. If she wants to sound completely like a man, she should take up smoking.
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Hillary,while a world class bitch, will be better than Obama. Not only is he a weakling, I am not sure he ever really likes the country. I don't she ever really likes Obama. She is paid off by a bunch of people but I believe she at least wants the country to prosper in some ways. Hillary uses the blacks as a pawn and gays as pawns but I think Obama really likes all the racial divide stuff and all that kind of stuff. Hillary is an opportunist.

She does need to work on her voice and she need to stop the screaming. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

I wonder when the last time Bill, or any man for that matter, serviced her?
if i had to pick one to fight in a street brawl, i'd pick Obama over her...

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