not sure of the variables your cut/paste used, but i initially took it for what it said, and believed it, as i catch myself often doing as we all know that if's posted on the internet, specifically in a news related article such as that you (didn't) sourced your word for word sentence from, it must be true . . . well, bonjour, motherfvcker, it's not.
so, after my initial "he got me" reaction, i decided to check the numbers . . . once again, i'm sure you'll believe you still got me, but numbers don't lie, and, once again, you didn't get me. i compared $75K to $1MM taxable income under both the prior tax structure and the new structure. under the new structure, $75K in taxable income will pay 2.9% less in tax while taxable income of $1MM will pay 2.2% less in tax. while, yes, obviously the guy who makes more is going to benefit more monetarily, the guy who makes less is going to benefit at a higher percentage of savings.
check your trump hating links for accuracy prior to posting in the future, you'll look like less of a dumbass . . . although we'll all know that, yes, you're still a dumbass.