How many states are NOT doing this?

That you for acknowledging the voter fraud going on in 2020, the thing you have consistently claimed didn’t happen.
That you for acknowledging the voter fraud going on in 2020, the thing you have consistently claimed didn’t happen.
You're an idiot. I have made myself abundantly clear except to lying idiots like you.

No rigged election, no voter fraud that would make the slightest difference

And the lack of it is evident every single time a republican claims voter fraud stole the election.

....says the guy who thinks orange jesus lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud.

There is nearly zero voting fraud NOW.

You think you're making a point but you're not. You would have one IF there were substantial voter fraud. There is not, regardless of what you idiots have been told and believe.

You election deniers can whine all you like while ignoring the FACT that there is ZERO evidence of any voter fraud that would make an ounce of difference. If you believe differently, you're just ignorant.

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