Pay off student loans. It was a rip off anyway. Bail the youth of america. Instead of paying back the goverment money they will spend it and help eceonomy. They bail out other people, bail my friends on here.
How about that NUT that was whining about being $60,000 in debt after borrowing student loans for his degree in PUPPETRY .....BWAHAHAHAHA... And claims he can't find a job in his field. It's true, what they say about going to college not making you a smart person
My point is...when kids elect stupid fields (like Puppetry) to major in, I don't feel an obligation to finance their stupid choice. If you feel any different, then let your conscience be your guide and Mail him a big, fat check. Otherwise, you're just coming off as a hypocritical liberal.
No Im a coalminer with 2nd stage black lung who would like to see my friends on here and some i know get a break instead of their other choices the gov has made to bail out instead..I wish I had went to college. I t was almost like I didnt have a choice. Best job in this area was martiki at the time. Job had 50 yrs of mining which didnt ban out. I did learn a trade in drilling and blasting. problem was I didnt know how poisonous rock dust is. Around 91 they started talking about it but I had 13 yrs of drilling and blasting. Worked until I couldnt pass a breathing test. I sit and listen to you all on this board and have no problem if the gov helped on your loans.Gotta go take a breathing test. I was lucky to get my own machine. I always worked 6 days a week and worked doubles on friday many times to watch the herd.