Huckabee again? What a waste

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Wasting his time "running" for president when the best thing he had going was that show on Fox News. I always watched those first few minutes of it. His script reading was a tad under par, but the script itself was hilarious.

There's no way he really wants anything to do with the presidency. This is all just to get on stage, get some money, probably sell some books or something. I can't sit down and read 300 pages about one thing. All books can be summed up in a page or less.

He should drop out of the race and go back to his Fox show. The GOP is in trouble with these awful candidates. Another huge loss is coming.

He's a delusional sociopath, just like Carly Fiorina and the others.

None of 'em stand a snowball's chance in hell.



Ted Cruz ?

He reminds me of The Penguin:



I am going to vote for the black guy we have entering the race. At least he can fire back at Billary some.
Remember last time Huckabee ran? He was bragging about how he didn't have money, and said Romney was a rich bastard that looked like the guy that laid you off. Now that he himself is filthy rich and has a taste for private jets and high society, what he is going to run on?

Let's look at his website and see if he can differentiate himself from the other clowns on the right....

1. Against abortion. A Republican that says they are against abortion? Well no sh!t.
2. Against gay marriage. Again, well no sh!t.
3. For guns. It is going to get old saying no sh!t.
4. Fvck the Mexicans. Broken sh!t.
5. Common Core bad. It has evolution and the gay in it, they all say this.
6. Obamacare bad. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
7. Need more preventative health care. OK, I will listen to that. But isn't that a focus of Obamacare, getting people to be regularly seen by a physician and not just when they are sick as hell?
8. Balance the budget. That's awesome. But you also want to....
9. Cut taxes. Well, then you won't balance the budget, especially when you want to....
10. Make the military even bigger and more badass. Defeat Radical Islam. Awesome. How are you going to pay for that?
11. Energy self-reliance. Great idea. Let's stop selling our oil and coal overseas, and tell the Canadians if they want that pipeline on our soil then the Chinaman gets none of that you a dollar no Repub will say that.
12. Fix the VA. Probably a good idea since you are going to send more of our men and women to the sandbox to fight.
13. "Record as Governor". Dude, you were governor of what.
14. Support Israel. Great, another Republican Zionest.

So all we have here is dude was governor of a crappy state, and Jesus loves Israel. That didn't win for him last time, and now the poor common man populist stuff is down the drain.

This is why Iowa should not be so important. Too much say for a bunch of hayseeds.
Im sure the libs on here will claim that they are all tokens but the GOP has 2 latinos a woman and a black guy running. The dems have an old hag and a washed up hippie socialist. Whose the big tent party?
the GOP has 1 Cuban, a Canadian, a woman who ran a corporation into the ground, and a black doctor that doesn't believe in science running.


On this topic, and in seriousness, Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist. Where does the GOP, usually associated with conservative flavors of Christianity, get these weird cultists?

On this topic, and in seriousness, Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist. Where does the GOP, usually associated with conservative flavors of Christianity, get these weird cultists?

Don't be racist, please. He is black and you can't say that about our guy. Mother had a 3rd grade education and was black.
We're not even voting for policy anymore. They're all going to do the same thing when they get in there. The winner will be whoever pop culture wants to win. That will be Hillary this time around. Like I knew they would, the media has already started to rally around her now. They know there's no one else.

She's the winner. She's the next Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. I don't even know if I can root for the Suns this time. Hillary Clinton would make a better president than these clowns the GOP is parading around. She's tough, manly, a liar, dirty, been through humiliating public hell. These Republicans are mostly either has beens or never weres.

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