Huff's Postgame

Why is he all of sudden becoming a dickhead? I mean that was uncalled for at the 6:20 mark. He didnt seem like he was joking either, he seemed like he was annoyed at any and all questions coming his way.

Is he trying to be an ass like Saban in pressers? That works and is "cute" when you've had the kind of success as Saban, Charles has a long way to go before he can be that smug in press conferences.
When you are Nick Saban, you have 1000 media forms following your program, you can be short with the media. When you are CH, and you have, what, maybe 6 media forms that follow the program, you must treat every one like they are your best friend.
yep, and if he thinks our media is hard, just wait until (if) he ever goes somewhere else. I mean our media didnt ask an update on our best player for about a month. But he knows best, so dont question him, OK.
I thought that was an extra poor comment on his part. Hope they dont lose again.
Lol, he is a punk. Our reporters give him softball questions week in and week out. Why treat the reporter that way? I hope the reporter grows a set and ask him some real tough questions after our next loss. (hopefully we won't have any more)
Why is he all of sudden becoming a dickhead? I mean that was uncalled for at the 6:20 mark. He didnt seem like he was joking either, he seemed like he was annoyed at any and all questions coming his way.

Is he trying to be an ass like Saban in pressers? That works and is "cute" when you've had the kind of success as Saban, Charles has a long way to go before he can be that smug in press conferences.
He's failing and he can't handle the microscope and the pressure of being the head coach.
He's failing and he can't handle the microscope and the pressure of being the head coach.
Good lord that’s weak. Dude a month ago you’re writing him a blank check for as long as he wants. A month later you’ve turned a complete 180….you change more than the wind direction around here.

There was nothing aggressive about what was said, it was actually said with a smile and people in the room laughed. When the same people you see weekly and talk back and forth both on and off the record there’s back and forth.

If the media (which hasn’t) or fans get offended by that, surely couldn’t handle some others. Dang people are getting soft.
Good lord that’s weak. Dude a month ago you’re writing him a blank check for as long as he wants. A month later you’ve turned a complete 180….you change more than the wind direction around here.

There was nothing aggressive about what was said, it was actually said with a smile and people in the room laughed. When the same people you see weekly and talk back and forth both on and off the record there’s back and forth.

If the media (which hasn’t) or fans get offended by that, surely couldn’t handle some others. Dang people are getting soft.
fans aren't happy. no longer like Huff. they hang on every word, dissect it and then bitch. I'm not happy either but it seems, there could be better way for us to spend our time around here. it's tiresome.
Why is he all of sudden becoming a dickhead? I mean that was uncalled for at the 6:20 mark. He didnt seem like he was joking either, he seemed like he was annoyed at any and all questions coming his way.

Is he trying to be an ass like Saban in pressers? That works and is "cute" when you've had the kind of success as Saban, Charles has a long way to go before he can be that smug in press conferences.

I guess he expected everyone in the room to praise him and kiss his ass for finally getting a win against a decent team, regardless if they were playing without their superstar QB and one of the OL starters.

I'll take any Ws we can get, but we didn't all of the sudden become awesome. Fancher gives us a slight advantage over Colombi and is less shitty, so don't use the "we wuz playin' with our backup two...derrr!" excuse.
Good lord that’s weak. Dude a month ago you’re writing him a blank check for as long as he wants. A month later you’ve turned a complete 180….you change more than the wind direction around here.

There was nothing aggressive about what was said, it was actually said with a smile and people in the room laughed. When the same people you see weekly and talk back and forth both on and off the record there’s back and forth.

If the media (which hasn’t) or fans get offended by that, surely couldn’t handle some others. Dang people are getting soft.
I was never ready to write him a blank check and opinions change as the evidence comes in. Yes I liked the hire at first. However over the last year and a half there is a lot more to not like about Huff than there is to like.

I thought we had turned a corner after Notre Dame, but within a week we were back to looking like the same team since he's taken over.

I guess I could just be a superfan and praise the man no matter what he does.
I thought his response was unacceptable. To ask about the QB situation is a legitimate concern. Maybe he would prefer he be asked how we are doing after 2 seasons of his leadership. I'm mean 11-9; (8-9 against FBS) is not exactly tearing it up. Maybe a little humility is in order.
There was nothing aggressive about what was said, it was actually said with a smile and people in the room laughed. When the same people you see weekly and talk back and forth both on and off the record there’s back and forth.

If the media (which hasn’t) or fans get offended by that, surely couldn’t handle some others. Dang people are getting soft.
Breaking balls is being a "dick head" now with this fan base. I dont have a problem with this kind of back and forth either. It keeps the media on their toes, it keeps Coach on his toes. The reporter should have stated, "yeah...I'm going to ask you about the QB. Their play has been terrible the last few weeks. Thats what I'm here to do!" and then ask question he came with.

The reporter flamed out, IMO. My suggestion would be that the media grow a sack and come to the pressers with specific set of less generic questions and not be afraid to ask them. Huff's a big boy. Dont be a coward

Some seem to forget, we had to "listen" to a mouth breather give press conferences for 10 f'ing years and give ZERO answers to many questions while kicking reporters out of the program totally. We may not like Huff's answers, but he will at least give an answer with his reasons for making the decision.
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Good lord that’s weak. Dude a month ago you’re writing him a blank check for as long as he wants. A month later you’ve turned a complete 180….you change more than the wind direction around here.

There was nothing aggressive about what was said, it was actually said with a smile and people in the room laughed. When the same people you see weekly and talk back and forth both on and off the record there’s back and forth.

If the media (which hasn’t) or fans get offended by that, surely couldn’t handle some others. Dang people are getting soft.

No, he’s just a narcissist. When he told fans, not people that he talks too all the time, that they “would have trouble jumping back on the bandwagon because it would be full”, he was challenging people who had the nerve to be upset with his work.

It’s the same here. You have had a reporting having the nerve to question Huff’s two QB “system”. Huff has had to bite his tongue while losing, but uses this win as a way to strike back.

He’s a dick.
Disagree…does he have a little attitude with him, absolutely I like that in a coach. Will it be successful we’ll find out when his coaching career is over.
Again, too many people here are comfortable and don’t like being challenged. They like the caged answers, they like the ho-hum just keep things smooth attitude.
But as soon as someone shows something different it’s “how dare he” or “nah, he’s just a dick”….
We have people on here tearing down everything inside and out of whatever program, and as long as it’s one of us it’s ok or some banter back and forth….but if a poster from WKU or App State or somewhere from outside the circle comes over and says the same exact things then it’s circle the wagons and how dare a guy comment like that about us.
And again the people directly involved were laughing about this whole thing, and a non-story, but of course someone had to get offended and now it’s a full blown story on a message board.
No, he’s just a narcissist. When he told fans, not people that he talks too all the time, that they “would have trouble jumping back on the bandwagon because it would be full”, he was challenging people who had the nerve to be upset with his work.

It’s the same here. You have had a reporting having the nerve to question Huff’s two QB “system”. Huff has had to bite his tongue while losing, but uses this win as a way to strike back.

He’s a dick.
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RHF, you’re right, same personality flaws as Trump. Do you consider that a positive when coupled with his lack of results?
RHF, you’re right, same personality flaws as Trump. Do you consider that a positive when coupled with his lack of results?
Are you suggesting that results can’t change under Huff? Is it a criteria for you that Presidents and coaches NOT be dicks at times?? Frankly I’ve been told (by many who now want Huffs head) that “pricks” usually end up getting results they are after. I have a tendency to believe that sentiment and have a stronger suspicion as to why Huffs not getting the same time the past 2 coaches got from fans despite their lack of experience and results.

I also don’t see the narcissism in Huffs comments. I keep reading comments suggesting it, but don’t see it in his press conferences. Like I said. The press needs to nut up and come to the table ready for some sparring. Come to the table with stats, facts, to support their questions. If Huff refuses to answer or then blows off the question then that’s an issue. That’s not the case at this point. He answers.
Are you suggesting that results can’t change under Huff? Is it a criteria for you that Presidents and coaches NOT be dicks at times?? Frankly I’ve been told (by many who now want Huffs head) that “pricks” usually end up getting results they are after. I have a tendency to believe that sentiment and have a stronger suspicion as to why Huffs not getting the same time the past 2 coaches got from fans despite their lack of experience and results.

I also don’t see the narcissism in Huffs comments. I keep reading comments suggesting it, but don’t see it in his press conferences. Like I said. The press needs to nut up and come to the table ready for some sparring. Come to the table with stats, facts, to support their questions. If Huff refuses to answer or then blows off the question then that’s an issue. That’s not the case at this point. He answers.

Well, Snyder was a dick and I wanted him gone the moment he was hired. Of course I had the benefit of knowing him growing up and in the words of Forest Gump, he wasn’t a smart man.

I always told people the worked for me that you can get away with a lot of you’re producing. When you are going through a drought you should keep your mouth shut, head down, make sure all your paperwork is up to date, etc. So far Huff hasn’t produced. He’s sub .500 against FBS competition and has a worse record than the guy we fired to put him in.

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