Huntington Lawyer


Gold Buffalo
Feb 22, 2017
Some bald headed lawyer is taking a beating on Facebook, over his comments on defending the student who's accused of sexually assaulting multiple students. Reading all the comments, I'm wondering how this public defender has kept his law license over the years. Seems he spent a lot of time at the regional jail paying other inmates for leads to defend other inmates. A true jailhouse lawyer.
Man, being a public defender would have to be one of the worst jobs ever.

Are you Facebook friends with the "Huntington Lawyer?" I mean, I know you're Facebook friends with Rifle, so I guess you would also be with any other poster on here with celebrity status.
No, I'm only Facebook friends with one lawyer, and he practices law in Fayetteville, WV. I'm Facebook friends with several celebrities from WV though, but none by the name of Rifle. I follow many news feeds, with the Herald Dispatch being one of them.
That same lawyer had his killer client plea deal yesterday, blaming the murder on watching Kung Fu movies, which led to their foreplay getting out of control, prior to her killing him with a dagger. I may one day need this lawyer, if he's ever successful in getting someone off.
this the fag?

That same lawyer had his killer client plea deal yesterday, blaming the murder on watching Kung Fu movies, which led to their foreplay getting out of control, prior to her killing him with a dagger. I may one day need this lawyer, if he's ever successful in getting someone off.

Well, that was one of her stories. She had many. But she was quick to try to collect his life insurance.
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Well, that was one of her stories. She had many. But she was quick to try to collect his life insurance.
I pretty much only watch Discovery ID, and you see lots of good stuff come out of those shows. I think you could almost self-teach yourself to be a detective if you watch enough. At the very least, a private detective.
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Only people that wear seersucker are Colonel Sanders and f*gs, and that dude ain't holding no chicken.
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That same lawyer had his killer client plea deal yesterday, blaming the murder on watching Kung Fu movies, which led to their foreplay getting out of control, prior to her killing him with a dagger. I may one day need this lawyer, if he's ever successful in getting someone off.

Your info on this attorney is almost as in-depth as the info you provided on @dave
@mlblack16. got a messenger (just saw it a bit ago) and lost it somehow along with a couple others from other people. send me another so i can add you and we can be messenger bros.

anyhoo, yeah, i thought that was one in the same, thanks for the confirmation.
Someone called him an "ambulance chaser" on here a time or two. He later denied being an attorney.
he denied being an attorney? thought he was one, too.

i read about an attorney in huntington one time who had charges on him for bringing frivolous lawsuits against the division of corrections, soliciting business from inmates that claimed to been sexually abused by prison personnel and offering inmates a cut of settlement monies for referring other inmates to him.

anybody else ever read anything on that? what ever happened to that attorney?
he denied being an attorney? thought he was one, too.

i read about an attorney in huntington one time who had charges on him for bringing frivolous lawsuits against the division of corrections, soliciting business from inmates that claimed to been sexually abused by prison personnel and offering inmates a cut of settlement monies for referring other inmates to him.

anybody else ever read anything on that? what ever happened to that attorney?
I saw all that stuff, because the Facebook users were linking articles about him. He doesn't seem like a very popular person around town, unless you're a prison ho, crackhead, rapist, or killer.
One deplorable chasing Facebook trying to find any info on this guy, another deplorable fantasizing about him by making his avatar showing him with a dick in his mouth . . .

You all are some horny, desperate old men.
One deplorable chasing Facebook trying to find any info on this guy, another deplorable fantasizing about him by making his avatar showing him with a dick in his mouth . . .

You all are some horny, desperate old men.
I get to see the coeds over the weekend so I'm good. I would never chase a creepy lawyer.
One deplorable chasing Facebook trying to find any info on this guy, another deplorable fantasizing about him by making his avatar showing him with a dick in his mouth . . .

You all are some horny, desperate old men.
for someone supposedly all about morals and the high ground, you sure appear awfully bent over a piece of trash. probly because he's a fellow mentally deranged pos lib . . .

whatevs, choir boy.
another deplorable fantasizing about him by making his avatar showing him with a dick in his mouth . . .

You all are some horny, desperate old men.
This is precious, coming from the guy that has a picture of Herd Fever's mother or wife as his avatar.


"Rifle, am I making you horny, man"
Kerry Nessel doesn’t even have a Facebook account. Your and the OP’s stories aren’t matching up.
I didn't even have a story. I was talking about a Huntington lawyer that's currently defending the Marshall student in a rape case. Should be worthy of discussion on this forum, don't you agree? I simply saw it on Facebook from the H-D feed, as I do with many other topics I post about, including that Wrap-a-Ho, the loud mouth, Anti-American soccer player.