Hypocrisy off the charts!


Gold Buffalo
Aug 13, 2004

This clown
creates a so-called Exchange/Wallet and sets up two "holding companies" i.e. Fall companies which he lets his dipshit / Harry Potter GF takes care of with a CEO title

Takes billions in investments, which so happens a good portion goes to the Democratic party. In the end the Ponzi scheme deteriorates when the original investors and wallet owners of FTX, rightfully want their money back.

Good God...

Imagine if the Repubs would have pulled shit like this?

Especially, with Trump involved? Where is the outrage Dems? HH, Olde

Been a fvcking busy week; huh, Dems:

Ballot Harvesting

Scamming unsuspecting "Investors" who are actually funding socialists' campaigns to get into office and further the progressive agenda.

Hiding the fact that the SF police now have body video or Paul nonchalantly walking around wearing next to nothing after the police arrive because he and his gay Canadian boyfriend were having a tiff.
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They got donations too but only half as much. This is capital D Dirty.

I’d love to see another ABSCAM run.
Speaking of ABSCAM, while it’s puzzling to understand PA voters electing Fetterman (just being honest) this is also the state that re-elected John Martha after the ABSCAM debacle
Speaking of ABSCAM, while it’s puzzling to understand PA voters electing Fetterman (just being honest) this is also the state that re-elected John Martha after the ABSCAM debacle
Murtha turned down the money though, didn’t he?
My “half as much” is based on this. If it’s wrong then let me know. It says Bankman gave $40M to Democrats and Salame gave $24M to Republicans.

H&H can't wait for his fed-issued CBDC debit card. They even promised him 50 in "dollar tokens" if he signed up on black friday.
Live look at H&H after paying for his soy latte/beyond meat burger with his CBDC card, after getting out of his fully charged Nissan Leaf, ready to conquer the day.

My “half as much” is based on this. If it’s wrong then let me know. It says Bankman gave $40M to Democrats and Salame gave $24M to Republicans.

I believe you are on record saying Democrats funded "MAGA" candidates in primaries. I believe Democrats also contributed to "never Trumper" Republicans. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that Salame's contributions to Republicans followed these patterns.

Again I think you are painting this with a rather broad brush in an attempt to deflect from the true partisan aspect of the matter.
Money laundering scheme.. Democrats knew.

I'm not convinced they knew as much as they were drinking the kool aid ("effective altruism") and eating up all his rhetoric with religious fervor and not bothering (or being wilfully ignorant) to look into any details. SBF even said it himself, just give them the woke platitudes and they can't help but lap it all up. You will over look a lot of minor details if you're getting fed red meat and checking all the boxes...and getting fed a ton of donations too.

I'm skeptical of a lot of the Ukraine funds, but I don't think FTX was heavily involved on that front.

Where I think the shadiness lies is all the heavy donations to democrats and SBF cozying up to "regulators." That goes on all over (looking at you, FDA) and is a well studied play book for success.
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