I Hate NYC


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 8, 2004
I've never loved it. Sure, like any major city, there are going to be really cool neighborhoods scattered around, but overall, I dislike NYC. I travel everywhere frequently . . . out of the 50 largest U.S. cities, Portland and Detroit are the only two I haven't spent time in (been in Detroit numerous times but not to visit). Out of the top 75 cities, that number jumps to seven. And of those 68 I have been to, I've been to most of them multiple times.

So even though I despise NYC overall, it is right at the top with Los Angeles for hot slvts. They're everywhere. Walk down a midtown street, your head is spinning . . . and the best part is the diversity of them. You'll see some hot models, then a girl who just got done running 10 miles, followed by a hot NYU nerd, followed by a sexy hood rat girl, followed by a hot [fill in any nationality] girl. They're simply everywhere. I don't like the city, but god, I can see why people who are single love it there.

On a different note, I am now upstate visiting momma'. She lives in a red area. We drove around the last two days, and I kept count of Harris vs. trump signs/flags. Yesterday, in her neighborhood which at this point has turned to lower-middle class over time, it was 11-11. Today, in the nicest neighborhood about a mile away, it was 3-0 in favor of Harris. In the next level down neighborhood, it was also 3-0 in favor of Harris. In next level down neighborhood, it was 3-2 in favor of trump.

It fits what I've said for years: the deplorables tend to be the lower educated and those down on their luck. trump gets their support, because he gives them an excuse to blame their laziness, poor decisions, etc. on everybody other than the person in the mirror. Considering the area that I was in, I was very surprised to see even the wealthiest areas be so lopsided.
It fits what I've said for years: the deplorables tend to be the lower educated and those down on their luck. trump gets their support, because he gives them an excuse to blame their laziness, poor decisions, etc. on everybody other than the person in the mirror.

You've got to be joking. Democrats are all about free handouts and government dependency. Anyone brings up reducing entitlements, Democrats flip their lids.

We spend FAR too much in unnecessary entitlements and far too much in entitlements to illegal foreign nationals.
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wow Harris signs in New York. I am shocked.
Oh no. This is Appalachia, remember?

This county is overwhelmingly red. They voted for trump about 2:1 over Biden in 2020. So I was expecting to see far more deplorable signs than Harris.

Today, while driving around Corning (the city area), it was a bloodbath in favor of Harris. That was more middle income, then upper income. It was 41-4 in favor of Harris, which surprised me. Then, we drove over the hill into shithole small towns, and it was 4-0 in favor of trump. So for the day, it was 41-8.

Here is the breakdown below for 2020. The City of Corning and Town of Erwin are educated people who mostly are at least middle class. All of the other locations, for the most part, are poor, rural areas. As you can see, the wealthier/more educated were overwhelmingly Biden while every single other voting district was overwhelmingly trump.

You've got to be joking. Democrats are all about free handouts and government dependency. Anyone brings up reducing entitlements, Democrats flip their lids.

We spend FAR too much in unnecessary entitlements and far too much in entitlements to illegal foreign nationals.
Moron, your lack of reading ability proves my point about trump supporters.

Those who want excuses to blame their lot in life on are trump supporters. Their life is no worse today than it was under trump six years ago . . . or under Obama 12 years ago. Their life has always been shitty. But now with trump, they have somebody who feeds into their excuses and gives them somebody to blame for their shitty lifestyle.
Those who want excuses to blame their lot in life on are trump supporters. Their life is no worse today than it was under trump six years ago

Bullshit. I pay more in taxes, I pay more for gas and I pay more for goods and services. The country is more dangerous because of open border policies, I pay for welfare, room and board, driver's licenses and education for illegal foreign nationals.

We are catering to our adversaries.

The regulations are killing manufacturing, energy supply and ridiculous mandating of green energy.

All of that definitely affects my life for the worse

You live in denial and you're a blind little bleater aren't you?
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Bullshit. I pay more in taxes, I pay more for gas and I pay more for goods and services.
And you also make more (on a national scale) than you did 4-8 years ago, too. You pay more for goods? Imagine what you're going to pay when all of those goods have tariffs added on them, moron.

You pay more in taxes? Here's an idea: get your own shithole in order so people like me in states like I am (NY today, California in a few days) don't have to keep sending our money to you deplorables.

I pay for welfare, room and board, driver's licenses and education for illegal foreign nationals.
You're too stupid to understand this: If we could snap our fingers and rid the country of all illegals, you'd be paying a shit ton more for daily items. That's because deplorables like you think you're too good and are too lazy to work the jobs they fill. Imagine what that would mean: Americans filling those jobs and requiring far more pay, unionizing, etc. The prices would skyrocket. Then, add that to the increase in imported goods, and let's look at your crying.

Oh, yeah . . . but trump is going to do away with all income tax. Brilliiant! The moron already did the complete opposite of his promise to eliminate the national debt. Imagine what that will do next.

The regulations are killing manufacturing, energy supply and ridiculous mandating of green energy.
No, they are protecting this country and world for the long term. trump isn't concerned about that, because he has 20 years left, maximum.

I understand deplorables like you don't care about anybody but yourself, but that's not how most leaders think.
You've got to be joking. Democrats are all about free handouts and government dependency. Anyone brings up reducing entitlements, Democrats flip their lids.

We spend FAR too much in unnecessary entitlements and far too much in entitlements to illegal foreign nationals.
Elon will trim the fat
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Oh no. This is Appalachia, remember?

This county is overwhelmingly red. They voted for trump about 2:1 over Biden in 2020. So I was expecting to see far more deplorable signs than Harris.

Today, while driving around Corning (the city area), it was a bloodbath in favor of Harris. That was more middle income, then upper income. It was 41-4 in favor of Harris, which surprised me. Then, we drove over the hill into shithole small towns, and it was 4-0 in favor of trump. So for the day, it was 41-8.

Here is the breakdown below for 2020. The City of Corning and Town of Erwin are educated people who mostly are at least middle class. All of the other locations, for the most part, are poor, rural areas. As you can see, the wealthier/more educated were overwhelmingly Biden while every single other voting district was overwhelmingly trump.

Moron, your lack of reading ability proves my point about trump supporters.

Those who want excuses to blame their lot in life on are trump supporters. Their life is no worse today than it was under trump six years ago . . . or under Obama 12 years ago. Their life has always been shitty. But now with trump, they have somebody who feeds into their excuses and gives them somebody to blame for their shitty lifestyle.
Well, that settles it. Harris will win New York!
And you also make more (on a national scale) than you did 4-8 years ago, too. You pay more for goods? Imagine what you're going to pay when all of those goods have tariffs added on them, moron.

You pay more in taxes? Here's an idea: get your own shithole in order so people like me in states like I am (NY today, California in a few days) don't have to keep sending our money to you deplorables.

You're too stupid to understand this: If we could snap our fingers and rid the country of all illegals, you'd be paying a shit ton more for daily items. That's because deplorables like you think you're too good and are too lazy to work the jobs they fill. Imagine what that would mean: Americans filling those jobs and requiring far more pay, unionizing, etc. The prices would skyrocket. Then, add that to the increase in imported goods, and let's look at your crying.

Oh, yeah . . . but trump is going to do away with all income tax. Brilliiant! The moron already did the complete opposite of his promise to eliminate the national debt. Imagine what that will do next.

No, they are protecting this country and world for the long term. trump isn't concerned about that, because he has 20 years left, maximum.

I understand deplorables like you don't care about anybody but yourself, but that's not how most leaders think.

I'm not going to tear apart your novel.

You are insane for thinking 2 million illegal foreign nationals per year, under Pedo-Joe, is a good thing. Damn, you're dumb. Call it what it is. It doesn't affect you and you're a bleater.

Also, you're a huge dumbass if you think us over-regulating ourselves is a good thing.

The Earth is covered by less than 2% by the United States. As we shut down our energy supplies, China and other countries increase theirs. We are the cleanest users of fossil fuels on the face of the Earth.

You dumbasses think shutting us down as the rest of the world increases is a good thing.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country
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I used to like NYC a bit but this last trip I was kind of luke warm on it. Smelled like pot everywhere. I think I like Chicago better.

Though I think the city is more of a young persons place. I feel too old for it. My kids all loved the theater/show and 2/3 likes the Met but other than that I was surprised they didn’t like it as much as I thought they would.
Oh no. This is Appalachia, remember?

This county is overwhelmingly red. They voted for trump about 2:1 over Biden in 2020. So I was expecting to see far more deplorable signs than Harris.

Today, while driving around Corning (the city area), it was a bloodbath in favor of Harris. That was more middle income, then upper income. It was 41-4 in favor of Harris, which surprised me. Then, we drove over the hill into shithole small towns, and it was 4-0 in favor of trump. So for the day, it was 41-8.

Here is the breakdown below for 2020. The City of Corning and Town of Erwin are educated people who mostly are at least middle class. All of the other locations, for the most part, are poor, rural areas. As you can see, the wealthier/more educated were overwhelmingly Biden while every single other voting district was overwhelmingly trump.

Moron, your lack of reading ability proves my point about trump supporters.

Those who want excuses to blame their lot in life on are trump supporters. Their life is no worse today than it was under trump six years ago . . . or under Obama 12 years ago. Their life has always been shitty. But now with trump, they have somebody who feeds into their excuses and gives them somebody to blame for their shitty lifestyle.
I've got nothing better to do tomorrow. I think I'll go drive around town and count campaign signs.
Steuben County went 29,474 Trump, 15,790 for Biden (which is close to 2:1, so good job).

Would you like to wager that, based on your observations, that gap will be wider or more narrow in 2024?
I mean, the man drove around and saw a bunch of Harris signs. It's hard to argue with that sort of exhaustive research.
i'm just glad he was able to surmise NY is definitely going blue from all of those harris signs since it's always been such a tight race in that state.
I mean, the man drove around and saw a bunch of Harris signs. It's hard to argue with that sort of exhaustive research.
If I based the possible election results on signs in yards of my town, some guy named “Dog” has an insurmountable lead.