I hate politics


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
It ruins everything. Turns friends and family against one another. Clogs up broadcasting years before each election. And think of the money that is spent by candidates that could go toward social programs.

I’m rethinking this whole “democracy” concept. Leaning toward a benevolent dictatorship. No elections, no clutter of signs and banners, no speeches or commercials. Just one person running the show for 25-50 years. Stability. Much like Tito in Yugoslavia.
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It ruins everything. Turns friends and family against one another. Clogs up broadcasting years before each election. And think of the money that is spent by candidates that could go toward social programs.

I’m rethinking this whole “democracy” concept. Leaning toward a benevolent dictatorship. No elections, no clutter of signs and banners, no speeches or commercials. Just one person running the show for 25-50 years. Stability. Much like Tito in Yugoslavia.
we aren't a democracy. we are suppossed to elect representatives who go represent us. But, that doesn't happen anymore.

But, what we have now is an out of control govt and our representatives are in it for themselves not doing the work for the people. MLRS rocket systems being blown up in eastern Ukraine are not in our best interest in my district of NC.
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I know we have never been a true democracy, but “clusterf**k” seemed like such a crude term to describe our present state of government.
I agree. The reps are in for their own interests and so is the govt. They are way out of touch.
It ruins everything. Turns friends and family against one another. Clogs up broadcasting years before each election. And think of the money that is spent by candidates that could go toward social programs.

I’m rethinking this whole “democracy” concept. Leaning toward a benevolent dictatorship. No elections, no clutter of signs and banners, no speeches or commercials. Just one person running the show for 25-50 years. Stability. Much like Tito in Yugoslavia.
Fuhrer Trump on the way!
We literally have a corrupt govt that is out of touch. They don't represent the people anymore.
have a buddy who leans heavily left, not a far left winger, that i use to give shit via messenger, just friendy ribbing. he blocked me. so he texts me one day and my reply was "I'm sorry, but your message has been rejected. This user no longer accepts texts from this number." he called immediately and asks what the hell i blocked him for. i started laughing and told him i made the text up because he blocked me on messenger. he added me back.

i'm tellin' ya, liberalism, even in a mild case, is a mental disorder.
Sure, as long as I get to pick the dictator.