Crying over on another board, in regards to being banned from HN. Anybody know why he was banned?
Let me guess, he valued the life of his dog over a blind follower of L. Ron Hubbard?I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.
Why was he banned?
Well YAgs does count likesWtf the big deal about telling why someone was banned. Might keep someone else from doing the same.
Wtf is this jr. high?
yes, I realize it seems like it sometimes
Let me guess, he valued the life of his dog over a blind follower of L. Ron Hubbard?
If I decide to pull your chain, you'll know itIf that was the case, idiot, a majority of conservative posters would be absent the board.
If I decide to pull your chain, you'll know it
@Raoul Duke MU the guy that was banned, marine03, is the one that wants to know what he did wrong to get banned. He thinks maybe it was a case of mistaken identity.
he got his answerHe knows how to contact the board owner, who contacted him before the ban.