I thought the Clinton Foundation fixed Haiti?

Every 100 dollars in Clinton Foundation.

33 for Bill
33 for Hillary
33 for Chelsea and daddy Webb Hubbell
1 for assistance to others.
No need to do a Snopes EG. I was in Haiti 2 years ago on a humanitarian/missions trip.The place hasn't been fixed

It would have gone much better if Bush hadn't been involved in the Clinton/Bush Haiti foundation. Haiti was left unfinished when Bush prematurely declared "mission accomplished". The rest is history.
Conspiracy theory: Clinton arranged for this hurricane to hit Haiti and wipe these people out.
You don't consider the Hatian President a credible source?

Absolutely not. Your go to guy Peter Schweizer wrote a book about all this and couldn't prove any wrong doing. Always someone claiming the clintons are the antichrist, but never proving anything. Are they perfect? Not even close, but this constant gibberish from the right never ends.

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