I was told here that this doesn't happen.

In his statement, Paxton mentioned three recent convictions for voter fraud obtained by his office for three non-citizens.

In his statement, Paxton mentioned three recent convictions for voter fraud obtained by his office for three non-citizens.


They haven't started prosecuting the 58,000 recently discovered, yet.

If the number is 58,000 in Texas, what do you think it really is in California?
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In his statement, Paxton mentioned three recent convictions for voter fraud obtained by his office for three non-citizens.


Three out of 58k? Hell of a prosecutor there.

If this is true, I am sure the Trump Administration investigation of illegal voting turned it up.

Anyone know if Paxton is still dodging his state trial for securities fraud?
This is the entire fvcking point as to why you mentally deranged libs (including those of you - cough @Raoul Duke MU cough - who are libs that "identify" as something else) don't give a flying fvck about illegals. it's all about their votes. you know it, we know it, just fvcking own it, already.

hell, wasn't the resident SJW, formerly known as riflearm, going on about the mentally deranged libs taking over the voting in Texas not so long ago? geez, wonder why . . .

you prix are a disease that needs a cure . . .
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This is the entire fvcking point as to why you mentally deranged libs (including those of you - cough @Raoul Duke MU cough - who are libs that "identify" as something else) don't give a flying fvck about illegals. it's all about their votes. you know it, we know it, just fvcking own it, already.

hell, wasn't the resident SJW, formerly known as riflearm, going on about the mentally deranged libs taking over the voting in Texas not so long ago? geez, wonder why . . .

you prix are a disease that needs a cure . . .

Trump claims to get over 50 percent of the Hispanic vote so it seems like the advantage is Trump. What am I missing here.
This is the entire fvcking point as to why you mentally deranged libs (including those of you - cough @Raoul Duke MU cough - who are libs that "identify" as something else) don't give a flying fvck about illegals. it's all about their votes. you know it, we know it, just fvcking own it, already.

hell, wasn't the resident SJW, formerly known as riflearm, going on about the mentally deranged libs taking over the voting in Texas not so long ago? geez, wonder why . . .

you prix are a disease that needs a cure . . .

Give me reliable, neutral evidence. Not the word of a flim-flam politician with a history of telling whoppers who is currently facing charges for fraud.

We know that prosecutions for illegal voting are exceedingly rare, even in places where it would be politically advantageous to conduct such prosecutions.

We know the Trump Commission didn't find shit.

There are countless articles and studies on this.

We know that indeed some people do vote illegally (for the purpose of this topic, that means illegally claiming citizenship, impersonating another voter, etc, not people who don't bother to update their records after moving and technically cast an illegal vote). We also know it is a statistically almost non-existent occurrence. Sure, it would suck to be the guy who lost a race for some small office by a vote because someone voted illegally, but we can infer from the statistics that state, Congressional, and national offices have not suffered from such things. Why? Because super-close elections in important offices are recounted under the watch of high-paid attorneys who look for any reason to disqualify a ballot. I would argue that under such circumstances there is a greater likelihood of legit ballots being discarded, but that's another story. Hell, anymore the local small races have high-priced attorneys involved when it is close....which should concern you because honestly how much is county commissioner of BFE really worth?

I've also told you all that I know from experience it may be easy to cast a provisional ballot but that shit probably won't count if the race goes to canvass.

In a few short years I will have zero problem with voter ID laws. I've been over why before. The generation I am concerned with has almost died off.

No, I don't give a flying fvck about a lot of illegals. As long as they are here working their asses off and keeping their nose clean, why should I? I know how the crops get picked. But you are an idiot if you think I want them to vote. Hell, I think a large chunk of citizens are too stupid to vote. Why the fvck do you think I want illegals to vote?