You should read what is required for asylum. Your economic condition is not one of those.You really should do a google search on "seeking asylum" and read all sources related to the title that contain the address .org or .gov.
So, you are for open borders.Then, after taking CR’s advice, I suggest you read any analysis done on the hypocrisy of southern preachers and the teachings on the Bible.
After, read Leviticus 19:33 no fewer than 50 times, and then preach to your congregation why they should ignore your god’s directive.
Finally, come back to this board, apologize for being clueless on something you tried taking a jab at others about, thank us for once again educating you, and then attempt to persuade your fellow deplorables to change their ethics, as you are far from the only one who has shortcomings on here in that regard.
Then, after taking CR’s advice, I suggest you read any analysis done on the hypocrisy of southern preachers and the teachings on the Bible.
After, read Leviticus 19:33 no fewer than 50 times, and then preach to your congregation why they should ignore your god’s directive.
Finally, come back to this board, apologize for being clueless on something you tried taking a jab at others about, thank us for once again educating you, and then attempt to persuade your fellow deplorables to change their ethics, as you are far from the only one who has shortcomings on here in that regard.
So, you are for open borders as well?That guy is a preacher? You've got to be shitting me.
They are truly insane and don't care about their own country. They don't even root for their own country.The libs have gone from laughing at Trump's comments about the border crisis months back, to now blaming Trump for the crisis on the border. They claimed Trump made up/manufactured a crisis on the border.
What a bunch of weird freaks, these liberal, granola eating, socks w/sandals societal outcasts have become.
Some are openly rooting for the Ayatollah and the Mullahs.They are truly insane and don't care about their own country. They don't even root for their own country.
So, you are for open borders.
They claimed Trump made up/manufactured a crisis on the border.
Caused deaths to the families? How? They choose to make the journey and try to enter our country, ILLEGALLY. You tell me how he is causing their deaths?What is being discussed in this thread is not open borders. Decriminalizing border crossers is not the same thing as open borders. Was my explanation to the drunk preacher too hard for you to understand?
He absolutely manufactured the crisis, made an issue into a crisis, and in doing so purposely, has caused the deaths of many and the separation of families.
This isn't something Liberals have changed their stance on. They've been arguing this for a year, and what they were concerned would happen has been fulfilled by cheeto. not welcoming them with open arms and letting them just come in no matter whatCaused deaths to the families? How? They choose to make the journey and try to enter our country, ILLEGALLY. You tell me how he is causing their deaths?
This problem has been going on for a long time and did not start under Trump. Here is an article about this you might want to read.What is being discussed in this thread is not open borders. Decriminalizing border crossers is not the same thing as open borders. Was my explanation to the drunk preacher too hard for you to understand?
He absolutely manufactured the crisis, made an issue into a crisis, and in doing so purposely, has caused the deaths of many and the separation of families.
This isn't something Liberals have changed their stance on. They've been arguing this for a year, and what they were concerned would happen has been fulfilled by cheeto.
Caused deaths to the families? How? They choose to make the journey and try to enter our country, ILLEGALLY. You tell me how he is causing their deaths?
Again, economic situation is not a reason for asylum.I've gone over this numerous times for years.
cheeto's administration has instructed border patrol to stop access to border crossing/asylum points before immigrants can reach them. In order to claim asylum and follow U.S. laws, you have to do it at a border crossing. cheeto's administration knows this. As a result, they ordered border patrols to stop those crossing from reaching the points to claim asylum.
This isn't something new, isn't something debatable, and isn't something U.S. immigration law allows. Hell, last summer, after this had been going on for months, Cory Booker went undercover and made a video of it. He crossed into Mexico where he was warned by Mexican officials to "watch out" because it was dangerous where he was. Then, in the middle of the night, he crossed the bridge to get to a U.S. border crossing to see if it was possible to claim asylum. Some nights, the bridge is packed with people who are turned away and told to come back days/weeks later. On that particular night, Booker said there was barely anybody on the bridge. Once he got about halfway, three American border patrol told him to turn around and refused to allow entry to the border crossing (which means nobody can claim asylum) until he told them that he was an American citizen.
This shit has been videotaped. This isn't debatable. Nobody is denying this is being done.
So since people aren't allowed to follow the legal way to claim asylum, they are forced to try crossing in far more dangerous manners, which has led to numerous deaths.
We give each other shit frequently on here, argue against each other for the fun of it, and according to you morons, defend sides you don't really agree with just to argue. But this is something that simply is inexcusable, entirely on the cheeto administration, and is as anti-American as one can get.
Again, economic situation is not a reason for asylum.
#2 they make the journey and we have a right to protect our borders. We a sovereign nation.
I don't know how hard that is to understand. We have a right and duty to protect our borders. Nobody should able to walk right in.
Do you let people walk right into your home?
Really, you argument and the lefties makes no sense. Why do you think people shoul be able to walk right in. Why don't we just take millions of people from around the world and let them in? Where do you stop with it?
Well, there is no WAY they are hiding from persecution or in emanate peril from political enemies. We would know that.How do you have any idea of why they are claiming asylum? That’s the fvcking point of our law - that answer is discovered during the asylum process. But if they are stopped before they are able to follow our laws, it becomes a huge catch-22.
“Follow our laws on how to claim asylum.
(but we are going to make it almost impossible for you to be able to follow our laws for how to claim asylum).”
And this catch-22 was all started under the cheeto administration. He knows there are laws that have to be followed, but by stopping them before they can follow the law, he forces them into no other option.
The rest of your post makes absolutely no sense and is a gross misrepresentation, a blatant lie, and simply bogus regarding what our stance is. Nobody is arguing for what you claim.
Here’s an idea go to a point of entry not the middle of the ****ing rio grande and claim asylum
Well, there is no WAY they are hiding from persecution or in emanate peril from political enemies. We would know that.
This is absolutely debatable. You can just let everyone walk right in here. If you do, then we don't have a country anymore. This has gone on way too long and the POTUS, regardless of who it is, has absolute mandate to protect the country.
Again, are you for open borders and just let everyone come on in?
You are arguing for open borders.
My God, it is like some of you don't realize that we are a nation, a sovereign nation and you can't just walk into a nation at free will. We are not under any obligation to let that happen nor can we take care of everyone in the world. It is ILLEGAL and against our national sovereignty. How hard is that to understand. It is a mess and causing us problems. DO IT THE RIGHT WAY.
How many of you all are taking illegals in?
Do you read any of what I type? Decriminalizing border crossers DOES NOT MEAN OPEN BORDERS! It doesn't mean we don't have your wall, don't have border patrol, don't have stops, don't have borders, don't stop people from crossing!
Why is this so fvcking hard for you morons to understand? HerMan, people will still not be allowed to walk across the border. They still can't just meander over anytime they want. It is simply switching those that do it from a criminal court to a civil immigration court.
You keep saying things that simply are not true. That is not what decriminalizing crossers results in. It doesn't mean people can come and go at their free-will.
For the last part of your "DO IT THE RIGHT WAY" comment, you simply are a buffoon. These people can't do it the right way, because this administration has greatly taken that away from them. Again, do you not read any of the education I am providing you?
Because it is is illegal and should be illegal. I don't give a damn about your civil mitigation court. We don't have a civil mitigation court. Right now it is illegal and we need to stop it.Do you read any of what I type? Decriminalizing border crossers DOES NOT MEAN OPEN BORDERS! It doesn't mean we don't have your wall, don't have border patrol, don't have stops, don't have borders, don't stop people from crossing!
Why is this so fvcking hard for you morons to understand? HerMan, people will still not be allowed to walk across the border. They still can't just meander over anytime they want. It is simply switching those that do it from a criminal court to a civil immigration court.
You keep saying things that simply are not true. That is not what decriminalizing crossers results in. It doesn't mean people can come and go at their free-will.
For the last part of your "DO IT THE RIGHT WAY" comment, you simply are a buffoon. These people can't do it the right way, because this administration has greatly taken that away from them. Again, do you not read any of the education I am providing you?
Because it is is illegal and should be illegal. I don't give a damn about your civil mitigation court. We don't have a civil mitigation court. Right now it is illegal and we need to stop it.
You are hopeless. You are for open borders and just lettting them walk right in. Have you seen the caravans? ILLEGAL border crossings? They are avoiding coming here legally. Over staying visas. Running across the border. They don't want to do it the right way. They are just trying to get in by whatever means necessary.It's illegal, because we provided an alternative, legal way to help asylum seekers. It's called ethics. You fail to have any.
You and your fellow deplorables are fine with your hero eliminating the legal, alternative way to seek asylum, which forces everyone to do it illegally. The fact that you can't understand is the same reason you can't understand that decriminalizing crossers is entirely different than opening the borders.
You are hopeless. You are for open borders and just lettting them walk right in.
Just because everyone else prior ignored it
thinks we should just have open borders
In other words, you have no valid response.What an idiot^^^^^
What an idiot^^^^
In other words, you have no valid response.
So, Obama was being cruel? Like Trump? Thanks for playing, double standards! Further proving the left, the media, etc are biased. And, you all want open borders just as a talking point to go after Trump. Oh, and Trump is trying to stop them before they get in.It was a valid response to your lies, moron. In 5 of his 8 years obama deported more illegal immigrants than cheetos.
So, Obama was being cruel?
Thanks for playing, double standards!
And, you all want open borders
Oh, and Trump is trying to stop them before they get in.
That way we don't turn into California where people shit in the street and have tent city.
How is what Trump doing illegal? Enforcing the border laws? Enforcing our sovereignty? Obama didn't do a better job. He rounded them up later and let old Crazy Nancy and Crazy California do what they want to.Nope, he just did a better job that the orange idiot.
Nope, Obama did a better job, as usual.
You're an idiot.
Often illegally. As usual.
^^^Sounds just like the orange idiot.
How is what Trump doing illegal?
Obama didn't do a better job.
Are you for open borders
greed is for open borders and illegal immigrants, but he'll be damned if any of them are allowed to move out Wayne.
He's a hypocrite, and a damn good one.