I Wonder What Phi Kappa Psi Will Do With Rolling Stone When They Own It

So Rolling Stone fired a writer over a critical Hootie & the Blowfish album review but refuses to accept the resignation of a writer who refused to fact check rape allegations, who then ran with the story which will likely open the magazine up to massive damages in litigation?
Other media are doing a little investigative reporting and are finding there is a lot of truth to the story, some of the original information is incorrect (minor details in the big scheme of things). They have interviewed other students and friends of the victim.
I think you need to read the WaPo (that right-wing rape-denial paper) story. Everything is looking like it was a fabrication.

"Clearly, WaPo thinks Jackie made up the story of the mystery man to try to make Randall jealous, and when it didn't work, she allegedly made up the story of the rape to gain his sympathy. Randall was, in fact, one of the three students whom she called on the night of the alleged rape to comfort her. In fact, the name of the mystery man that she gave to Randall and other friends in late 2012 didn't match the name that she gave to other friends more recently about who supposedly attacked her that night. "Drew," the man named in the Rolling Stone piece, did work as a lifeguard but insists he never met her and isn't a member of Phi Kappa Psi. If all of that is true, it means she falsely accused not one but two innocent men of being ringleaders for a gang rape."

I'm sorry country but making up a brutal three hour rape session on shards of glass beingade up isn't a minor detail.
CBS and NBC interviewed friends of hers and showed the interviews on national television today. When they picked her up that night, she was bruised and bleeding. I guess they are lying too... or maybe she just penetrated herself to cause the bleeding....
Originally posted by countryroads89:
CBS and NBC interviewed friends of hers and showed the interviews on national television today. When they picked her up that night, she was bruised and bleeding. I guess they are lying too... or maybe she just penetrated herself to cause the bleeding....
from the three that met her that night:

"Instead, the friends remember being shocked. Although they did not notice any blood or visible injuries, they said they immediately urged Jackie to speak to police and insisted that they find her help."
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
I've seen someone go through a glass table.

You don't just "bleed a little" from that.
The truth about Michael Brown comes out & people try to justify Ferguson rioting by saying it was never really about Brown. The UVA/Rolling Stone story unravels & now activists are trying to say this specific event doesn't matter. If people want to focus on bigger schemes, fine. But if so let's focus on people hiding behind bullshiit events to say it justifies misguided behaviour.