If Hillary, who is beyond crooked, gets elected how long before she is impeached?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I give it 90 days. give or take.

There is so much dirty laundry and funneling of funny money around it would be inevitable.

She might sell the nuke codes for a few million.

Her and Bill both impeached. Husband and wife both impeached.

What a damn disgrace. Oh well maybe after she gets elected we can be done with this feel good stuff.

Black Guy-Check


Muslim Sympathizer-Check

Butch Lesbo-Check

What are we missing?
Herdman, if she gets elected, she will not be impeached. It will only seal the deal that justice is not blind and doest not apply to all. However, do not be so pessimistic about the election yet. There is a lot of time left. I think the first debate will likely select the winner.
there's a storm brewing boys... if Trump manages to win do you honestly think the "other side" will just sit back and take it?

we will see more civil unrest in the next few years than we saw in the entirety of the sixties...