Then get over the butt stomping Akron delivered and support the team. I have been watching Marshall football since 1961. At the young age of 70 I have seen the highs and lows BUT was always in my seat for the next game. I watched the long losing streak we endured in old Fairfield to winning two national championships in JCE. None of enjoys seeing our team lose but we don't give up that easily. Are you simply going to stay home for the game with Louisville as some kind of protest or get your fanny in your seat and help cheer on our team?
If you are a true fan you will be there otherwise you are not - obviously notwithstanding legit other commitments. So let us each get over this loss and move forward.
We do not yet know - based upon two games, what our team will truly be capable of. Go Herd!
If you are a true fan you will be there otherwise you are not - obviously notwithstanding legit other commitments. So let us each get over this loss and move forward.
We do not yet know - based upon two games, what our team will truly be capable of. Go Herd!