Few things:
1. Marshall should give each new freshman a kelly green "Gameday" shirt. The shirt is to be worn every gameday...it will be the same color offered by the majority of stores in the area so everything is about as consistent as it can be.
2. Glow sticks are a nice idea...but you're going to have to find a distributor for 30,000 glowsticks. Not everyone is going to use them/remember to bring them.
I think, just to test how well it works, give them to the Maniacs and student section only. I think that'd be cool if the Marshall student section was glowing by itself.
3. While the idea of glow sticks are great, you do realize it needs to be dark in order for people to see them. Those stadium lights are bright for a reason. You'd have to find large enough remote controlled slides that can temporarily cover up the lights for a dark introduction.
I'm sure its possible, but those lights require quite a bit of time to turn on and fully get bright...and they certainly need time to cool down when turned off.
I think it'd be a monumental effort to do something like that, but it could be done and if so, start NOW.
4. What about a little bit of pyro? UK and the SEC have some pretty impressive fireworks that go off when their teams come out. Why not have something maybe a little smaller, like 2-4 mortar cannons firing green and white fireworks? Again, it doesn't need to be New York 4th of July, but something nice...with a loud boom, for the Thunder effect, lol.
I recall we had fireworks atop the Shewey building and they'd go off when we won. I think we should have those for every game and have them for the team entrance.
I also think Huntington should do some form of community support for the team. The WV Building is going to use those bright LED lights and display them white and green for Marshall football games on Saturdays (I believe when we win, they'll have them displayed). Why not have some buildings on campus do something similar?
I want Huntington and Marshall to be so uniquely Marshall and Huntington that anyone foolish enough to wear a wvu shirt, is going to feel so out of place they'll go to the nearest apparel store and get something else to wear.