Once immigrant populations reach approximately 1/3 of the total population they begin to exert more and more influence on how the host nation is governed thus fundamentally transforming it forever.
Never mind that our diversity in immigration itself is a defense against what you are concerned with (too many ingredients for one to over-power the soup, so to speak).
I could argue that Christianity is the primary cultural cohesive in American society,
and given the numbers of white native Americans who are increasingly non-religious it would be a good idea to let in more Hispanic immigrants, who tend to be strongly Christian
Just because they are Christians does not mean they will ever be Americans.
Nah, they've just been here since before our Anglo asses, and have managed to be "Americans" for generations. No hope for them at all.
You understand the distinction I'm making. Quit being an asshole.
Not really. Is there some recent evolutionary development that makes today's Hispanics less likely to be good Americans?
true that most of the new arrivals are Christian. However, there is a shift in Catholic and latinos. Many now are Protestants here is an article from Pew Research.Given you have another 20% to go, I wouldn't worry much. Never mind that our diversity in immigration itself is a defense against what you are concerned with (too many ingredients for one to over-power the soup, so to speak).
If you really want to go in a strange direction, I could argue that Christianity is the primary cultural cohesive in American society, and given the numbers of white native Americans who are increasingly non-religious it would be a good idea to let in more Hispanic immigrants, who tend to be strongly Christian (unless you are one of those bigots that believes Catholicism is Satanic or something), and ban Asians and Muslims. But that's a whole other discussion....
Given you have another 20% to go, I wouldn't worry much. Never mind that our diversity in immigration itself is a defense against what you are concerned with (too many ingredients for one to over-power the soup, so to speak).
If you really want to go in a strange direction, I could argue that Christianity is the primary cultural cohesive in American society, and given the numbers of white native Americans who are increasingly non-religious it would be a good idea to let in more Hispanic immigrants, who tend to be strongly Christian (unless you are one of those bigots that believes Catholicism is Satanic or something), and ban Asians and Muslims. But that's a whole other discussion....
English Anglo-Saxon culture is the only acceptable form of Western culture?
A divorce from whom...colored people?
true that most of the new arrivals are Christian. However, there is a shift in Catholic and latinos. Many now are Protestants here is an article from Pew Research.
which one are you?There is even a split with the Hispanic Catholics. You have the Traditional Catholics and now you have a rise in the ones who believe Santa Muerta.
You understand the distinction I'm making. Quit being an asshole.
What other form of Western culture exists?
No, the pro Western Civilization right and the anti Western Civilization left.
The 3 pillars of Western Civilization are:
1 - The Greco Roman legacy
2 - The customs and traditions of the European people
3 - Christianity
Without all three pillars Western Civilization doesn't exist, which is why with the decline in Christianity in Europe and America and with the multiculturalism propaganda the West has been in decline since the end of the 2nd World War.
No, the pro Western Civilization right and the anti Western Civilization left.
The bolded statement makes me laugh.
White people arent Natives to the Americas more like Colonizers.
The 3 pillars of Western Civilization are:
1 - The Greco Roman legacy
2 - The customs and traditions of the European people
3 - Christianity
true that most of the new arrivals are Christian. However, there is a shift in Catholic and latinos. Many now are Protestants here is an article from Pew Research.
I am attempting to have a discussion with Bill in terms he can relate to.
That's interesting. Here it is very predominately Catholic latinos. Good people, big families, make the kids dress up for Mass.
Did any of you people actually watch the video?