In case you don't remember or missed it...


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Commie-la is quoted calling for the elimination of the filibuster, banning fracking, decriminalizing illegal immigration, abolishing ICE, defunding the police and mandating a gun buyback program.

She's unburdened by the Constitution and putting the burden on Americans.
Has she said she wants to "terminate" the Constitution or has just one of the candidates said that?
Has she said she wants to "terminate" the Constitution or has just one of the candidates said that?

I clearly posted what she was quoted saying. She's anti-America and anti-Constituion.

I know Trump didn't say he wanted to terminate the Constitution nor did he act on it.
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I know Trump didn't say he wanted to terminate the Constitution nor did he act on it.
I posted the proof before. He entirely said that on Truth Social. Why lie when you can Google it yourself, moron? Many Republicans called him out for it.
I posted the proof before. He entirely said that on Truth Social. Why lie when you can Google it yourself, moron? Many Republicans called him out for it.

Really? He said, verbatim, "I want to terminate the Constitution." Is that what you're saying?

He posted nothing of the sort.
Really? He said, verbatim, "I want to terminate the Constitution." Is that what you're saying?

He posted nothing of the sort.
You're trying to argue semantics, you fvcking moron. Go look at what he said. Yes, he said he wanted to terminate the rules and regulations found in the Constitution.
You're trying to argue semantics, you fvcking moron. Go look at what he said. Yes, he said he wanted to terminate the rules and regulations found in the Constitution.

You dumbass pedo-puss. He posted the following.

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,

He was merely stating his opinion of what he felt was a fraud does. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nowhere does he say or even allude to, him wanting to terminate the Constitution. You and anyone else who says differently are dumbasses, blinded by hatred.
You dumbass pedo-puss. He posted the following.

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,

He was merely stating his opinion of what he felt was a fraud does. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nowhere does he say or even allude to, him wanting to terminate the Constitution. You and anyone else who says differently are dumbasses, blinded by hatred.
So his opinion was that the alleged fraud allows for the termination of the Constitution. That's your claim.

Moron, then add to that the fact that he was pushing people to act on that incident, in an unconstitutional way, and it cements the fact that he wasn't just stating his "opinion" that he felt fraud allowed for the termination of the Constitution - he wanted it to be done and was pushing for it. Words + actions = damning proof.
So his opinion was that the alleged fraud allows for the termination of the Constitution. That's your claim.

Moron, then add to that the fact that he was pushing people to act on that incident, in an unconstitutional way, and it cements the fact that he wasn't just stating his "opinion" that he felt fraud allowed for the termination of the Constitution - he wanted it to be done and was pushing for it. Words + actions = damning proof.

Pedo-puss, he even said that it wasn't what he meant. He didn't act on anything. Just running his mouth like he usually did. If Trump farted in public (like Pedo-Joe did) you wacko leftists/bleaters would swear he claimed he wants to destroy the climate.

Meanwhile, Democrats are actively ignoring our Constitution, weaponizing the DOJ and destroying our country.

You're nothing but a bleater, Pedo-puss.
Pedo-puss, he even said that it wasn't what he meant.
Of course that was his response after everybody in his own party called him out for it. Why, if it wasn't what he meant, do you think so many fellow Republicans rebuked him for it? Doh!

Do you ever think before typing? "I could walk down Fifth Ave. and . . . " The guy mocked you, exactly, and you're too dumb to even realize it.

He didn't act on anything.
Are you too dumb to not remember that he tried acting on it? He tried getting people to do what they knew wasn't right. Hell, people have been arrested and incarcerated for it.
Just running his mouth like he usually did.
Ohh! So that's it. He's just running his mouth, so we can't take his words literally. Brilliant. Just what a moron like you would want as a president.
Of course that was his response after everybody in his own party called him out for it. Why, if it wasn't what he meant, do you think so many fellow Republicans rebuked him for it? Doh!

I dgaf what any Republicans said. I'm not a Republican. Plenty of them were out to "get Trump" as well. Just like your shepherds, you lie in wait ready to twist, turn and make every move, word or trip to the toilet to spin negatives on Trump.

Even lies and hoaxes. No d'oh about it, Homer.

Do you ever think before typing? "I could walk down Fifth Ave. and . . . " The guy mocked you, exactly, and you're too dumb to even realize it.

Just more dumb shit. Your hatred blinds you, bleater.

Are you too dumb to not remember that he tried acting on it? He tried getting people to do what they knew wasn't right. Hell, people have been arrested and incarcerated for it.

It didn't happen, Pedo-puss, so what's to remember?

Ohh! So that's it. He's just running his mouth, so we can't take his words literally. Brilliant. Just what a moron like you would want as a president.

Come back when you bash the left for doing and saying worse. You're an extremely, hypocritical, bleating dumbass, dumbass.