In-Depth detailed comparison of CUSA and AAC


Silver Buffalo
Jan 27, 2011

This guy is amazing! He has broken down CUSA and AAC (and why some did and didn't get in AAC...he thought Marshall was 4th best pick for AAC...). A HUGE amount of detail in his report...he's a fast talker and he has tables and graphs that really dissect each of the programs. Fascinating...take a look.

This guy is amazing! He has broken down CUSA and AAC (and why some did and didn't get in AAC...he thought Marshall was 4th best pick for AAC...). A HUGE amount of detail in his report...he's a fast talker and he has tables and graphs that really dissect each of the programs. Fascinating...take a look.
Wow. For sure one of the best analysts of the teams considered by the AAC. Gave Marshall high marks and felt we should have been invited considering ticket sales and attendance.
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Great information. The biggest thing that stuck out to me is, we have alot of people watching our games when we play. However, we have very few sponsorships???? Someone has dropped the ball in that department, you would think those 2 would go hand and hand.

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