In honor of Walden Pond

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
There sure are some high rollers on this forum. Fancy vacations. Foreign destinations. Fancy hotels and messages while in flight. Oh, and high rollers on the stock market. Big time players floating money and dealing with the devil's money.

High society hayseeds.
Until it all crashes under Martial Law. I have an escape plan though. In the event of some apocalyptic event my family and I coming to your house. You're going to teach me to shoot and we're living on that big stash of cash you have in the shoebox in the attic. Lock and load baby!

Originally posted by GK4Herd:
Until it all crashes under Martial Law. I have an escape plan though. In the event of some apocalyptic event my family and I coming to your house. You're going to teach me to shoot and we're living on that big stash of cash you have in the shoebox in the attic. Lock and load baby!

LOL, GK you have it all wrong. Never store the cash on your location. That makes you a target and it is not safe.

Off site, secure location, please.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Fancy vacations. Foreign destinations. Fancy hotels and messages while in flight. Oh, and high rollers on the stock market.
The problem I have with all of that stuff is that it sucks. What's so good about any of that? I could have that stuff, but I'm not interested. I go to the mall just to look at whores and laugh at the prices.

The only things worth splurging on are Ohio State football tickets and driving in the mountains. Those are the great luxuries. Anything else is really a bullshit garbage waste of time, but it has to be wasted somehow so that's what college basketball and Reds games are for.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Fancy vacations. Foreign destinations. Fancy hotels and messages while in flight. Oh, and high rollers on the stock market.
The problem I have with all of that stuff is that it sucks. What's so good about any of that? I could have that stuff, but I'm not interested. I go to the mall just to look at whores and laugh at the prices.

The only things worth splurging on are Ohio State football tickets and driving in the mountains. Those are the great luxuries. Anything else is really a bullshit garbage waste of time, but it has to be wasted somehow so that's what college basketball and Reds games are for.
You see there is a man who has it right. He has the few little things he likes to do. Going to the mall and looking at whores. Then, he gets a good laugh out of the prices at the mall.

The comforts of life are football games and a drive in the mountains.

What more does a man need other than a few good laughs, a favorite sports team, and a damn nice pile of cash.
Unless I really screw up, some idiots are going to inherit the pile of cash. Most things that cost money are for idiots. I don't want it. I'd rather keep the money than pay a big price for something and think about how stupid it was.

Whoever inherits it will be cursed, not me. They'll blow it foolishly on big ticket items, then when it runs out they won't be able to sustain that kind of lifestyle for themselves. They'll go the rest of their lives thinking about how they can never match what I left for them. That's how I will haunt them.

Nobody haunts me. What I've got now is better than what I've ever had. Nobody left or gave me a damn thing but hell. It didn't take much to beat that.
He needs to go buy a cabin in Colorado or Wyoming. He would be in heaven and would change his mind about vacations.
Walden, why don't you leave your money for the Ohio State Booster Club, that way you do not have to worry about a family member snorting your money.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Walden, do you dabble in the stock market?
I put a little in 401k and that's it. Consider it lost money. I'll either die before I get old enough to draw it out or will be way too damn old to do anything with it. Hell, that may have been 5 years ago.

I don't gamble. No lottery, no raffle tickets, no Super Bowl squares and I won't pay to fill out a bracket. Somebody else always wants me to fill one out and they pay the money. I won't pay it. I don't even want to fill one out this year unless I can just write UK on it real big and to hell with the rest.
Colorado and Wyoming are probably nice, but when I go to the mountains I want to hear hick talkin' at all the stores, gas stations and fast food places when I walk in.

As far as leaving the money to anybody, since I've pissed off everybody I ever known, I don't trust them to carry out any wishes I may have drawn out. I'll likely be burned and my ashes flushed down a toilet. Can't really give a shit anymore. I'll be dead so it won't matter.

I'd like to avoid living to be old enough to have to be bilked out of it by a nursing home, but it could happen. What's important is watching as many games and driving up as many mountains as I can while I've got the time.