In Michiganliarherdfans back yard.

another American company and CEO selling out. Of course and he wants to blame someone else. Bastards.
you believe he is to blame for everything. The CEOS of big companies were selling this country out long ago in regard to moving overseas.

But I thought you agreed the cheetos corporate tax cuts would stop this.
Dreh’s backyard? I thought this thread was going to be about where he makes the neighbor’s goat put it each night.
Everyone has a little blame in this. The corporate execs moved everything overseas but we consumers sure don’t complain about the low costs of electronics. It’s not a coincidence the local stores (with higher prices) have been destroyed by Walmart and their cheap overseas products. At the end of the day it is what us consumers picked.
Yes. It would be nice if more steel and aluminum were produced here in the US. Too bad it’s a “dirty” “environmently destructive” business.

“These jobs aren’t coming back.” President Obumma. (Democrats cheered).
Yes. It would be nice if more steel and aluminum were produced here in the US. Too bad it’s a “dirty” “environmently destructive” business.

“These jobs aren’t coming back.” President Obumma. (Democrats cheered).
No according to Trump on Friday he made a shift from concrete to steel due to the thriving us steel industry. Come on liarherdfan get your points down.

Oh by the way AK steel stock down 80 percent from the day trump took office and US Steel the big boy is down 50 percent since he took office. But you know things are great..... so great.
LeBlanc, a Republican, said he expects 2019 profits will be cut in half.

This is what is wrong with these sons of bitches. The only thing that matters is the highest profit possible. American jobs, an American future? Fvck that shit. Y'all can wave the flag all you want to, but patriotism has long been dead to the stock holders and quick buck makers.
LeBlanc, a Republican, said he expects 2019 profits will be cut in half.

This is what is wrong with these sons of bitches. The only thing that matters is the highest profit possible. American jobs, an American future? Fvck that shit. Y'all can wave the flag all you want to, but patriotism has long been dead to the stock holders and quick buck makers.
agree, **** them, Raoul. I agree
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I am calling the CEOS and companies sellouts is what I am saying. Has nothing to do with cheeto

That's not what the guy said in the article in the original post. You believe corporations pay too much taxes and that it hurts our competitiveness, but tariffs? Nope, commie ceo traitors and not cheetos fault.
That's not what the guy said in the article in the original post. You believe corporations pay too much taxes and that it hurts our competitiveness, but tariffs? Nope, commie ceo traitors and not cheetos fault.
i have railed on this for years, you can ask Raoul.

National security issue. This goes beyond cheetos or oreo.
What happens to a business when "profits are cut in half"?
(Even the "semi-retired" Greed can answer this one)
I don't know about you fellers, but the man said in that business class I took at MU every for profit company has two main goals:

Maximize Profits
Minimize Losses

He said, without profit maximization, the company's ability to effectively compete is compromised. Can't invest as much into new/existing products...or take care of the customer as well...or improve production facilities/processes.

Patriotism won't guarantee the company will remain in business like a good bottom line. That is, unfortunately, a cold, hard fact.
i have railed on this for years, you can ask Raoul.

National security issue. This goes beyond cheetos or oreo.

Maybe youve railed all along, but it was Obama's fault when you did. Now that Cheetos is president, it's the commie CEOs fault.
I don't know about you fellers, but the man said in that business class I took at MU every for profit company has two main goals:

Maximize Profits
Minimize Losses

He said, without profit maximization, the company's ability to effectively compete is compromised. Can't invest as much into new/existing products...or take care of the customer as well...or improve production facilities/processes.

Patriotism won't guarantee the company will remain in business like a good bottom line. That is, unfortunately, a cold, hard fact.

Because that man was a good pure capitalist, and all good pure capitalists believe maximum profits are the only worthy goal to consider. If you have to ruin lives, or hell even take some lives, it is all justified. Of course, socialism believes the same but about "equality". It's all rubbish in the real world.

China understands the concept of mutual cost and suffering. China is not beyond starving its some of its own people to win an economic war with the US. The play the long game.

Republicans like to talk about American Exceptionalism and wanting to remain the world's greatest power. Well, that's going to take some mutual cost and suffering.
What happens to a business when "profits are cut in half"?

What happens to an empire when it loses an economic war?

Somewhere, some time ago there was that first American businessman that said, "You know what? Fvck America, I am going to buy that cheaper Chinese steel." He didn't realize that John Chinaman was selling him that cheap steel for a reason bigger than "profit". Or maybe he did, and should have been hanged from a lamppost. Anyway, it's too late now, this is the world and war we live in.
China is not beyond starving its some of its own people to win an economic war with the US.

China can do that because a majority of its business/industry are actually owned by the govt and not individuals. Of course, starving its people isn't a "long game" for actual business success. Its a long game of keeping it's citizens under the control of the govt, while a few political elites have the chance to prosper.

Somewhere, some time ago there was that first American politician that said, "You know what? Fvck America business, I am going to politically make it cost prohibitive for a business/industry to survive here. They can go out of business or go to a 3rd world country and try to good luck with that."

^^FIFY^^. The American, political left's version of "starving it's people".
Maybe youve railed all along, but it was Obama's fault when you did. Now that Cheetos is president, it's the commie CEOs fault.

I think lowering taxes can help, but the selling out by some of these companies goes beyond the last two guys.
China can do that because a majority of its business/industry are actually owned by the govt and not individuals. Of course, starving its people isn't a "long game" for actual business success. Its a long game of keeping it's citizens under the control of the govt, while a few political elites have the chance to prosper.

No, China has to do things that way because the government there have always been assholes. Like for 1000s of years. This is the greatest nation in the history of the world, right? One would think the PROUD AMERICANS in the corporate world would do ANYTHING to keep this GREAT nation on top. In reality, people like you wave the flag to keep up an are no different than the guys would cheat on their wives on Saturday and then go to church with the family on Sunday.

^^FIFY^^. The American, political left's version of "starving it's people".

Same as I told Murox, your fellow Rand worshiper: enjoy your mud roads, motherfvcker. Shit ain't free.
Because that man was a good pure capitalist, and all good pure capitalists believe maximum profits are the only worthy goal to consider. If you have to ruin lives, or hell even take some lives, it is all justified. Of course, socialism believes the same but about "equality". It's all rubbish in the real world.

China understands the concept of mutual cost and suffering. China is not beyond starving its some of its own people to win an economic war with the US. The play the long game.

Republicans like to talk about American Exceptionalism and wanting to remain the world's greatest power. Well, that's going to take some mutual cost and suffering.
People generally enter into a business enterprise to generate profit. That's not pure capitalism - it's reality.
Someone needs to tell the bleeding hearts that without profits.....mud roads would be the norm.
People generally enter into a business enterprise to generate profit. That's not pure capitalism - it's reality.

No is saying otherwise.

However, in a time of war some sacrifices must be made. A 50% cut in profit for a few years while we rebuild our steel and aluminum capacity is a small price to pay for national security. Of course, I have not seen the Trump administration or Congress actively pushing that rebuilding beyond tariffs. If Trump truly has a mandate, as his supporters say, these are things we should be doing.

"Hillary" is not an excuse to have voted for Trump. Neither are blacks, Mexicans, gays, etc. Either people agreed with his agenda or not, you own what you put beside your name at the polls (I'm not saying you voted for him).

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