Inside Herd Athletics Podcast

I was driving when he said that and I almost wrecked. I thought "did he really say that". I listened for other comments to clarify it and I did not hear anything.

If I were in business I would not bad mouth any body that was not a customer or someone that was only a once in a while customer. I would be kissing their but to try to get them to be a customer.

I just listened to the podcast. He said if you were a financial supporter (big green member or season ticket holder) you have every right to complain, and he would listen. He continued with "if you are not we do not want to hear from you. We don't want you around". What clarification is needed.
So we have an average of 25K for football. We sell roughly 14K season tix but I would say around 5K fans actually buy those tix. Add in 3K students give or take. Throw in a few extras, comps, etc. So in essence Mike just told about 12K single game tix buyers that their business isn't wanted or needed. Really?
I sometimes think of my Herd fandom as Misery Bingo, and Hamrick's "f--- you, go away" comments are helping me complete Small Postage Stamp.

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