Could we get some more smart alecks on here? This is exactly what HerdNation needs......NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO FIND A FREAKING CPA AND ASK THEM ALL YOUR STUPID QUESTIONS!!!! Im sure dherd would be glad to help you
Money over 55 expert Dana Anspach says there is no such thing as an IRA rate when people ask her that question.

Personally, I consider the 401k or whatever lost money. I'll either never live to see it, be too old to do anything with it, or it'll disappear somehow. It's just an afterthought contingency, pretty much. Just not the gambling type.
Originally posted by Always The Herd:
How much should one "reasonably" expect to receive on their investment (% based)?

An IRA is just a shelter for money. As mentioned, there's not standard return, because what you choose to do with that money within the shelter will alter your return. You can invest it in the "stock market" or in things like bonds or just leave it as cash.

You probably need to do some reading over at reddit personal finance (read their FAQ) and self educate. No one cares about your money more than you, and lots of people are out there giving awful advice.

Just as a ballpark, in my lifetime I will be happy if my IRA grows by 5-7% on average per year over 20 years via combo of index funds and bonds.
Folks.. treat others with humanity.> they are trying here. With that said alot of folks have opinons. Some folks opinions are better than others. Google is a great resource where you can learn about what things really are and how they operate. Some things have good returns but have high fees. You also need to look at your willingness of risk. Risky = greater returns. If something seems to good to be true then it is and stay away. Still alot of snakes out there.
Originally posted by huntersdl2007:

Folks.. treat others with humanity.> they are trying here.
Shut-up, blackcloud. He is the only other person on here whose social skills are as inept as yours.
Just a traditional IRA

I have had a vice-president and senior financial advisor for approx. 12 years who has assisted in helping to manage our monies. I never put all my confidence into
one person though.

I just felt like getting opinions of other HerdNation members. Seeking
the council of others sometimes helps clear some of the cobwebs from ones thinking.
As Carl said, an IRA can take on many forms. You need to consult a financial advisor. Check your bank to see who their advisor is. That person can ask you questions that will determine your risk tolerance and will advise accordingly. At that point you will have a much better idea of what to expect.
I have had a vice-president and senior financial advisor for approx. 12 years who has assisted in helping to manage our monies. I never put all my confidence into
one person though.

I just felt like getting opinions of other HerdNation members. Seeking
the council of others sometimes helps clear some of the cobwebs from ones thinking.
Always, the problem is you ask questions with no helpful context. I'll give you an example:

How many times a year should a 21 year old male college student have sex?

The smart azz answer is "as many as he can", but a serious answer requires knowing a lot more in order to gauge what would be considered reasonable. No one can sit here and answer what you should be getting as a return on your IRA. How's it invested, what's your risk tolerance, is it self directed or does your advisor make your decisions, how old are you and how far are you from retirement, etc.

Asking a general question and expecting a specific answer is why people generally won't waste time on your threads.
With an advisor, good luck getting 3%. By the time you pay your advisor, pay load fees, and pay mutual fund fees, a lot of folks make nothing after factoring in inflation.