Is Oldie a rifle alter ego handle?

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He's definitely not a Christian as he would like one to believe.

Pretty much sins every time he makes a post on this forum.

God is watching though, and I know, because I speak to God during our one on ones together.
I’m not a religious man myself, but I understand the tenets of Christianity. As an objective 3rd party observer, I would willingly bet my own eternal damnation that greed will go to hell. The man has nothing but hate in his vaccine-damaged heart.
I’m not a religious man myself, but I understand the tenets of Christianity. As an objective 3rd party observer, I would willingly bet my own eternal damnation that greed will go to hell. The man has nothing but hate in his vaccine-damaged heart.

^^^dog loving atheist and liar
Smart man. Much smarter and accomplished than you.

Let's see how far you will take your stupidity...If I get to determine if my dog or your mother is going to die tonight, is it OK with you that I choose for her to die rather than my dog?
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If I get to determine if my dog or your mother is going to die tonight

My mother is dead. You're a pitiful, sick individual.

More Bible verses for you to consider though I doubt it will do any good to a person such as yourself, especially since they come from the Old Testament which you so conveniently choose to ignore.

Exodus 20:12
King James Version

12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Proverbs 12:10 - A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

So based on your words and actions I'd say you're a wicked and cruel person while my mother lived long upon the land, 96.5 years and was able to drive, write for a local paper and live independently until an episode 2 days before she passed away.

That said, let's look to the New Testament.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”

Your communications are evil and not worthy of consideration or further communication.
My mother is dead. You're a pitiful, sick individual.
Answer the question, punk...

If I get to determine if my dog or your mother is going to die tonight, is it OK with you that I choose for her to die rather than my dog?
Are serious? You think you are going to call folks liars, punks, idiots, etc…..and not expect to get jack slapped? As Randy Moss would say, C’mon man. You are delusional if you say otherwise.
Let's see if I have this correct... you think you lying morons can call me all the names you do to my face and there would be no repucussions, but I would suffer repercussions if the situation were reversed. Got it. Punk.
Let's see if I have this correct... you think you lying morons can call me all the names you do to my face and there would be no repucussions, but I would suffer repercussions if the situation were reversed. Got it. Punk.
Ha, okay chief whatever. I personally have called you no names.
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Ha, okay chief whatever. I personally have called you no names.
Let's see if I have this correct... you think you lying morons can call me all the names you do to my face and there would be no repucussions, but I would suffer repercussions if the situation were reversed. Got it. Punk.
Again, you can’t help yourself. I’ve called you no names but you can’t help but sink to name calling. God bless you sir.
Ha, okay chief whatever. I personally have called you no names.
Irrelevant^^^. You're calling me out for calling people names. In another thread you called me out, I was called a name in 20+ posts. Weird how you had nothing to say about that. Hypocrite.
Irrelevant^^^. You're calling me out for calling people names. In another thread you called me out, I was called a name in 20+ posts. Weird how you had nothing to say about that. Hypocrite.
Have I called any names? Nope….and I won’t. That’s the lowest level of communication. I can’t speak for others, only myself. I do believe you bring this on yourself though. You do you EG.
Have I called any names? Nope….and I won’t. That’s the lowest level of communication. I can’t speak for others, only myself. I do believe you bring this on yourself though. You do you EG.
I get it, hypocrite. I'm at fault for calling people names, and I'm at fault for people calling me names.
I get it, hypocrite. I'm at fault for calling people names, and I'm at fault for people calling me names.
Again, you do you. I’ll do me. And yes, I think you have a good understanding of what I’m saying. You get back what you put out there.
If I get to determine if my dog or your mother is going to die tonight, is it OK with you that I choose for her to die rather than my dog?
Stupid question. Most people, if they're being honest would selfishly pick the thing that they love. Is that the morally correct answer? Probably not, but it's the accurate answer. Is that going to be "okay" with the person who loses their mother in this hypothetical? Of course not - because the entire premise is subjective. Terrible attempt at a "gotcha." Probably because yore an idiot.
I personally would choose to save a family pet over any stranger. What you do is your choice.
Again, you do you. I’ll do me. And yes, I think you have a good understanding of what I’m saying. You get back what you put out there.
But other people don't get what THEY put out there. Right? Just me. You don't know how ignorant you're being.